We try very hard to make our garden attractive to fairies. At the end of a gardening session, we stand with our hands on our hips and remark… ‘I think the fairies will be VERY happy with what we have done here!’ But K has recently become very downhearted at not having ‘actually’ seen a fairy in our garden. ‘Perhaps, if we had a Fairy Garden, I would actually see a fairy, Mom.’ she pleaded. So, one of my dad’s projects while he was here was to make K and T a Fairy Garden. 

We all set off for our local garden shop and had great fun choosing plants that look like they would be found in Fairyland.
We chose moss, of course! Silver-green ground cover that had miniature pink flowers. Some green spiky grass and a small pink Tea Tree. 

We commandeered my wine barrel planter and planned our very own Fairy Garden. 
Grampa got to work planting. 

He tried hard to be asymmetrical and almost succeeded! 

We added an upturned coconut shell for a pond.
And, voila… the Fairy Garden was complete.

A week later, the moss has grown nicely, almost covering all the dirt. The coconut pond is constantly empty as Mr T’s favorite thing of the day is to empty it (usually all over himself). 
Some pet rocks have made it their home. 
So has the bird and nest K made for easter. 
It looks too delightful.

K still hasn’t ‘actually’ seen a fairy in it but there have been definite signs that it has been visited by fairies… tiny footprints have been seen in the dirt and a flower was picked and left in the pond, so, everyone, fairies DO exist!


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12 Responses

  1. We’ve been wanting to do this too. I have a nice big pot just waiting for spring to get here so we can actually make the fairy garden. Kayla wishes she could see a real fairy too. I told her she just might when the dragonflies are here. Perhaps they like to fly with the dragonflies since they look so much alike and won’t be discovered by people who don’t believe in them. I know she will be watching intently for fairies soon. A month or so ago the fairies left her a branch of pussy willows. She was delighted.

    Oh, I WISH we lived close to each other.

  2. Ooooh – that really inspires me to do the same here, it looks really lovely (although I have a feeling that any small ‘pond’ we might make would go the same way as yours).

  3. beautiful !!!! i also have a fairy garden under my garden twine,but would love one in a barrel… my grandaughter is only a month old so i have to have a whole garden full by the time she is two.. thanks awesome site !!!

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