The Magical FAIRY and GNOME GARDEN Challenge and Giveaway!

A Fairy or Gnome Garden is such a place of magic for a child.. to build it AND to play in it. It is a creative and imaginative jewel of childhood who’s magic and memory can last forever. Please invite as many people and their children to join us in this magical challenge and LETS MAKE SOME FAIRY and GNOME GARDENS!

Rules of the Challenge;
1. We encourage everyone to create their own FAIRY or GNOME GARDEN. It can be in a bowl, a planter, a shady spot in the garden… anywhere, as long as it is a place of fairy magic and enchantment.
2. Post about your FAIRY or GNOME GARDEN and let me know or send me a photo of it on my email and you will go into the drawing to win…
**A package of fairy garden furniture and treasures, including this mushroom,

Magic Mushroom

Everyone who has participated in The Magical FAIRY or GNOME GARDEN Challenge, will go into a draw and the winner will be randomly selected. In addition, K will choose 3 of her favourites, these three will be added in the draw an additional 10 times! The draw will take place on Wednesday, September 23, so, be sure to get your Fairy or Gnome Gardens in before then.
I will link to your Fairy Garden so that everyone can see your enchantment too.
Leading up to September 23, I will be posting many Fairy Garden activities, including making how to make a Fairy or Gnome Garden and how to make all sorts of fairy furniture so be sure tocheck it out daily.
Blessings and magic.


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11 Responses

  1. And I have a hard time just trying to make dribble castles… These folks always amaze me. I watched a man making something HUGE from behind one day at the beach (meaning I was behind him) and I finally had to take a walk just to see what he was making. Turns out it was a really, really big naked woman lying on her side. The detail was truly amazing, but I have to say, I steered my young boys around the other way – which is sad, since it was art, but as a young mom, I had enough on my plate!

  2. Thanks to the ‘frugal family blog’ I finally discovered you. . . FANTASTIC blog with wonderful ideas. I am a Waldorf mom of 3 in Nairobi. . . Difficult to get some of the materials here, but certainly worth a try. I hope you don’t mind that I will share your ideas with the teachers at school. . .

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