Make a Bright Christmas Wreath.

Christmas is all about family to me… we usually travel to South Africa at Christmas time to spend the holidays with my huge extended family. It is so wonderful!
But, alas, this year it will just be us. My mom and dad are visiting for the week before Christmas but will travel back to South Africa to spend Christmas with my lucky brother.
So, to comfort me, A Good Man suggested we use this Christmas to start our own traditions.
We have begun by decorating our home with handmade treasures and making handmade ornaments for the tree. It has been a wonderful family undertaking and our house is starting to look like Christmas!
Today, we made a Christmas wreath for our front door. We collected leaves and Liquid Amber balls (we call them Goblin Balls), melted some broken crayons and made a wonderfully bright and colorful Christmas wreath.
Bright and colorful Christmas wreath
As our wreath is small, we only needed 3 leaves and 3 balls. You might need more for a bigger wreath.
We melted our crayons, blue, red and green, as described in this post when we made our pretty wax pine cone decorations.

Then we dipped each ball and leaf into the melted wax, turning them bright, Christmas colors.
A Goblin Ball waxed green.

A leaf…

Waxed red.
The colorful red, green and blue leaves and balls look so festive…
dipping leaves in melted crayons for our colorful natural Christmas wreath
With my hot glue gun, I glued the waxed leaves and balls to the wreath. The hot glue does melt the wax a little but, as the wax dries, it sticks the leaves and balls fast to the wreath.
Our wreath hangs on our door to welcome in the Holidays! My children are so proud that they had a hand in making it.
I also wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to all of your wonderful comments for our 10 happy years of marriage. I feel blessed to have made such lovely blogging friends! Thanks!
Blessings and magic.


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