A few weeks ago, to K’s utter delight, we discovered a little nest in the eves inside our front porch. We have been watching Mr and Mrs House Finch building this nest from our front window. K has been consumed… it reminds me, a little uncomfortably, of myself when the first Big Brother came out.
Whenever I ask if she’d like to make something, the answer is always… ‘a nest! Oh please, Mommy, can we make a nest?’
So today, we made a nest.
As I’m no knitter… (I can’t knit… shock horror!) I have been thinking of ways to make a nest using yarn that doesn’t require knitting. This is what we came up with…
What you’ll need is:
* Glue or Hodge Podge
* Water
* A baloon
* Scissors
* Yarn
We blew up the balloons to the right size for a nest.
We cut long strips of the yarn.
I lined a glass dish with a plastic packet for easy clean-up later and filled it with glue. I added enough water to the glue to make it about the consistency of milk.
We dipped the yarn into the glue mixture and wrapped it around the balloon, making sure to keep the yarn in a nest shape.
When our nests were wrapped around the balloons, we set them in the sun to dry.
18 Responses
How precious is that???? I am in love with your nests and those amazingly sweet birds!
So sweet! I’d love to make this with my little guy.
This is a great idea. Thank you
You are so, so clever! This is an adorable craft! love, Beth
What a great idea! I may try this today…
beautiful, simple, fun! Thank you!
How fun! Just wanted to let you know I linked back to you in a recent post: http://countingcoconuts.blogspot.com/2010/04/beeswax-ornaments.html
Counting Coconuts
so precious!
This is adorable! My daughter is really into bird’s nests too!
Great craft. we just did this on Easter but built our nests in a bowl then just popped them out of the bowl when we were done.
so simple, so beautiful. It’s on my list. Thanks for this post.
Your nests are so lovely. My daughter loves making nests too. She’ll make them from legos and minipillows and anything else she comes across. Recently we made them from skinny tree roots.
My children will love this!
I love this too! xo
A great idea, you are a clever wee cookie, cheers Marie
That’s adorable! I think we will try this with the young ones this week.
happy day!
We made ours after seeing yours. It was a timely post as we have been reading about and learning about birds. You can see ours here. http://theadventuresofbear.blogspot.com/2010/04/yarn-nest.html
Love it!
So cute. Making these as favors for a bridal shower i’m throwing, the bride is a nature babe so these are perfect. Thanks for the inspiration.