Kitty has made each of her friends a Christmas gift. She sat quietly, with my sewing basket in her lap, and worked peacefully on her own. “What are you making?” I asked her after a while, curiosity getting the better of me. “Christmas gifts for my friends” she replied as she proudly held out a few platted strands of embroidery floss for me to see. “Oh,” I answered… “and what are they?”. She looked at me with that look that says don’t you know anything, Mom! and answered “Friendship bracelets!”
On closer inspection they were really quite beautiful and a lovely gift for a girl to make for her friends.
She cut three lengths of embroidery floss, each strand a different color. (note: please pretend that she has clean and neatly cut fingernails!)
Then she braided the three strands together.
I tied them onto her wrist and cut the long ends.
Voila! Sweet little Friendship Bracelets for all of her friends. She assures me that boys like them too… as long as they are in boy colors.
A sweet little project for your children to make for their friends.
If I could, I would give each and every on of you a friendship bracelet too. I feel so honored to be a place you visit regularly and I thank you for your continued support. I am getting all mushy now because I mainly want to thank you for, firstly, nominating The Magic Onions for the Homeschool Post Blog Awards and for, secondly, voting for us… yes, friends, we won! Our new title is the Best Homeschool Method Blog of 2010! What a trip! You are amazing friends to have… thank you!
Merry blessing and magic,
10 Responses
congratulations! your blog is wonderful and your little girl is too. what a doll!
Seeing these brings back very happy memories for me of making these bracelets with and for friends. I also think it’s so lovely that you’re willing to see these things through her eyes, as it were, and value her small creations as the treasures they definitely are. I hope her friends are delighted with her gifts.
Congrats on the award. That’s so exciting. Also I absolutely love the friendship bracelet. Oh and i just wanted to say thank – you for your blog. Thank you sharing everything that you do. It’s always a pleasure to read your blog. Your blog is constant source of inspiration and admiration. So thank- you.
Congratulations on your award.
What a loving thought to make presents for all her special friends. Unprompted as well. Judging by my daughter and her friends, you can not wear enough friendship bracelets, so I’m sure they will go down well.
Congrats on the well deserved recognition!
Friendship bracelets are so much fun.
Congratulations on such a wonderful award.
Your daughters friendship bracelet is lovely.
Have a wonderful week. xxx
Ok, first of all, what sweet bracelets from an even sweeter girl. And second, congratulations on the award — you deserve it!
Well done. I am glad you got the award. you deserve it.
Sandy in the UK
who even looked up where to get a block of bee’s wax over here! Perhaps I will soon, especially if you keep showing such interesting things to make with it!
Hi Donni
congratulations! Your blog is one that my Moondew Mama’s talk about regularly! Good to see you again. Life gets so busy and I miss my regular stop -ins.
See you soon! Amber (MamaMoontime)
why r u so uglee and ghey