First of all, I want to thank you all for your seriously moving suggestions to my last post asking for help in finding a passage to read for my little brother at his wedding ceremony. A few tears are shed each time I read through your comments trying to choose. Thank you dearly!
I also want to thank you all for all the love and support you have given me over the last year. Isn’t our blogland a truely amazing phenomenon… we are a force to be reckoned with, a united voice, a place for new ideas, a sounding block, a place to come to for help, a place of amazing beauty and moving words. Each of us, in our little ways, are spreading love and magic and helping to bring the world back into ballance. Each of us is vitally important in this quest… our actions and our sharing of our actions is making the future a better place for our children. Thank you all for the part you play in this endevour.
I want to share a little special activity we did on New Year’s Eve. We have moved on from my mom and dad’s farm to their little riverside retreat at the Kromme River in South Africa. It is a glorious place with lots of watersports, fishing and seaside magic. The river washes little shale rocks onto the bank that are wonderfully black and smooth. On New Year’s Eve we collected a few and Kitty wrote New Year wishes for my family onto their surface in silver pen.
15 Responses
These are so beautiful! I love your blog and inspirations. Thank you.
What a beautiful tradition- we have a similar tradition around the Jewish High Holidays where we cast our wishes into moving water.
Simple, beautiful stones!
How lovely. What a great idea
Those are just beautiful. I think I know what I’ll have the kids do when we collect rocks at the beach this summer. Thanks!
Such beautiful wishes. A very happy new year to you too!
that is such a lovely idea! In fact I dont know why I hadnt thought og it lol My daughter has a little shop she likes to visit and they have a wishing well that you can pick and throw a wishing stone into the well with the same littl messages! I will try and remmeber this next time we go the bay, thanks!
Those are just beautiful. I’m working out (sort of last minute) what we will be doing for 12th night and your idea is just gorgeous inspiration.
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how lovely….and what a wonderful tradition it could become!
Such a lovely tradition. Thank you for creating such a wonderful place in blogland. I enjoy myself so much when I come over. Here’s wishing you and your family a very happy new year.
i love these! what a great idea!!
Donni, I like your words about the magic, inspiration, and support which we create in our blogs. It really is such a wonderful thing! There are dark places on the web, but our community is creating and spreading light all over the world! You have a huge part in it. love, Beth
Such a sweet little craft project! I just bought a Sharpie metallic pen for a different project, and now I’m finding so many interesting new things to write on!