Our family is sick again! We have the flu and a horrid one at that… a wracking cough, sore ears, sore throat and stuffy noses and sinuses… sound familiar? It’s been a bad sickness season here in SoCal! So, as I ‘m taking things easy this week, I though it would be a good time to re-post Samantha’s article on illness.
Please welcome Samantha. I know I’m not alone in dreading the common sickness that winter (and Spring) brings and it is at around this time of year that I start to frantically research how to keep my family healthy through the ‘sniffle’ season. Samantha has some pretty wonderful help for us…
(Samantha is not a doctor. Please research fully, any medical care you administer to your family)
::Illness and Natural Remedies::
By Our Waldorf Home Mama: Samantha
This is a great time of year to talk about illness and traditional Waldorf treatments. Between colds mid-October, to the full-blown flu in January, there are many types of little bugs that make our little wee ones sick and miserable! Fortunately, a lot of the common illnesses our littles get, can be safely and gently cured in the comforts of our cozy homes.
Rudolf Steiner, a wonderfully dedicated scientist, esoteric spiritualist and founder of the amazing Waldorf education, concluded that illness is not random or even from simply catching a bug from another person, but could be linked to a much larger picture in life (or in his studies, past lives) he believes that the the human body must be treated three-fold. Physically, mentally and spiritually, the whole body is treated and thus creates a faster recovery and perhaps shorter and milder versions of future illnesses.
Anthroposophy, Steiner’s religion is a foundation for all things Waldorf. Within this belief system, Anthroposophy looks at the world both spiritually and physically and concludes that certain ways of living can lesson or stop certain illnesses from developing. Health runs the gamut, from Demeter certified farms (biodynamic) to the use of homeopathy, herbs, curative eurethmy and even planet alignment all contribute to ones health and well being.
So what can we Waldorf mamas do for our little ones without getting all caught up in Steiner’s studies and beliefs? Well it’s simple, whatever illness may come should be treating gently with love, and understanding of conventional as well as alternative treatments for each individual case. Anthroposophical doctors are first MD’s and second trained in Anthroposophical medicine— which means when applicable antibiotics will be used, and other times herbs.
Waldorf does not reject conventional medicine as some may believe but instead uses appropriate treatments. For our little ones, prevention is key with hand washing and keeping littles home when sick. But other things, things we may not even think of, all help to keep our wee ones healthy… things like drinking lot’s of water and keeping the child warm. If the child is warm the body can concentrate on higher forces within, thus spending less time warming it’s self up and more time healing and recovering. Hats traditionally should be used on little children up until the age of five, even inside. Tinctures, homeopathy, and syrups can be used when needed. My personal belief is not to rule out the use of Tylenol or other pain relief to help the child through a period of heightened discomfort. Teas and decoctions can be used especially in the Winter time as they are very warming to the child, as well as at bedtime.
A simple tea made of Chamomile, Red Raspberry Leaf, Lavender and perhaps Valerian root makes a wonderful sleepy time tea. Even warmed milk and honey can nourish a sick child’s soul when prepared with love. Plenty of rest and even surrounding the child in warm colors can do wonders for an upset little person! Putting up a play silk on the t.v. the radio, or paintings with harsh colors bring harmony to the child’s inner chaos.
When necessary, my children see a doctor, especially when my natural and gentle treatments have failed.
Having a sick child is never fun, but, with understanding and love, a child can be supported through an illness and remain stronger afterward.
Thank you for sharing the methods you use to help prevent sickness and promote healing in your family, Samantha. We do much the same in our family.
Please visit Samantha’s wonderful blog, Our Waldorf Home, for more of her sweet Waldorf wisdom and gentle simple living. It is a treat to visit and fills me with peace.
For more info on Waldorf Education, please visit my Waldorf page.
Discovering Waldorf is a weekly series of articles written by ‘everyday’ Waldorf families. The contributors to this series share their ‘real-life’ insights and inspirations on all kinds of Waldorf topics. This series is not meant to be Waldorf philosophy in its purest form, but rather a snapshot of how we can all incorporate Waldorf ideas into our lives to help nurture and encourage the magic that is in our children. If you have a topic you wish to learn more about (or want to share) on Discovering Waldorf, send me an email at themagiconions@gmail.com
2 Responses
thank you for all that you share here. i am a school teacher who is fascinated by the waldorf philosophy. it resonates with so much of me. so i do love to stop by here and learn more about it. :) grazie mille!
Wonderful post very informative and inspiring :) …I added your discovering Waldorf button to my blog.