With Easter just around the corner, we have been saving all of our egg shells. When we have an omelet, I crack the egg from the top by knocking on it with a spoon… then I carefully make a hole in the egg shell, a hole just big enough to allow the egg and yolk to escape for our breakfast. I rinse the egg shell thoroughly and let it dry and then store it in an old egg carton. Why? You may ask. For Easter candles, of course!
It’s no secret that I adore working with beeswax… I love the golden color, the rich honey smell, the smooth, creamy texture. It’s magical. For this years Easter candles, we are using beeswax.
I melted the beeswax using a baine-marie I made on the stove by boiling a pot of water and placing a recycled wide-mouthed-jar in the boiling water. The beeswax blocks went into the jar to melt. This method melts the beeswax slowly and safely.
When the wax is melted, I pour it into a warmed jug I use only for beeswax. The jug helps me pour the melted wax into the egg shells I’ve been collecting.
The egg carton holds the egg securely while I am filling the shells with wax.
Then, I cut a length of candlewick for each candle. I love to use the wick that has stabilizing wire in it as it’s so easy to work with. When the wax in the shells has started to firm slightly (a minute or two after pouring), I insert the little wick into the hot wax. the slight firmness of the top layer of wax holds the wick in place.
I cut the wick to size and our sweet Easter candles are ready… aren’t they just too delightful?
We make many Easter candles at a time and use them on our dinner table for the whole month leading up to Easter… the children get so excited to see that Easter is coming that eating their dinner is a breeze. They are such sweet Easter gifts to give too.
Beautiful organic beeswax is available in my shop, Fairyfolk.
And, I have also listed for sale some Easter candles there too.
Happy Easter crafting :-)
Blessings and magic,
14 Responses
We made those last year and they were so much fun to burn for Easter. :) We even decorated a few with decorating wax to look like Easter eggs.
Those are great…I’m totally going to try those. Thank goodness Easter is late this year so I have time to stock up on some eggs.
Great idea!
So sweet!! I love this idea. Sadly, I don’t eat eggs, so I have no shells to use! I did link to your post on my blog though. This idea is too sweet not to share!
What a sweet idea! I have just found your blog and am just so excited to see so many fun projects and such a nice atmosphere!
absolutely precious. I love how your family has been saving egg shells for this project. You are so resourceful.
definitely on my to do list! Love all your great beeswax ideas!
what a fantastic idea – I will have to try this next year. Julia loves candles these days (now when we light the candles at dinner time she starts singing “Happy Birthday” because we were just at a birthday party a few weeks ago) and next year both kids will be big enough to help. Or at least to watch without me worrying they’ll tumble over into hot wax or something. :)
Your post is very nice and good to share with us. So sweet it is!! Awesome and I enjoyed fully.
These candles were so gorgeous that I decided to make a set of them tonight. They turned out well except for some cracking and what look like little burst bubbles in the wax. Is there anything I can do to stop this from happening?
I love this idea! Where can I find a sweet little candle holder like this? I’m not even sure what to call it. Thank you!
HI Meghan,
They are very sweet little Easter decorations.
The candle holder is just an eggcup.