I want to share Teddy’s Birthday Celebration at school and, most of all, share his birthday story so that I can remember it forever.
Here is the birthday boy feeling like a prince in his velvet cape and crown.
The Rainbow Table with the 4 rainbow candles, each one for a year in Teddy’s life.
The Birthday Story Blanket.
Ms Laura began Teddy’s Birthday Story…
: : :
‘Once upon a time, there was a little star that shone with a silver light in the evening sky. This shining star lived with the angles in the heavens. He played games in the soft, fluffy, clouds and he laughed and sang with the angles in a voice that was more beautiful than any they had ever heard before.
Once, when the little shining star was playing in the clouds, a spot opened before him and he could see down onto the earth. He saw a beautiful family there… a kind and loving mother, a happy father and their sweet little girl. He could see how much they loved each other as their hearts shone with a golden glow. But, he could also see that they were longing for another child… a little boy to make their family complete. As the clouds closed up again, the little shining star felt a deep longing to be with the family he had seen down on Earth. He went to the angles and told them of all he had seen. He told them of the mother and the father and of the little girl who was longing for a brother. He told the angels of the love he was feeling for the Earth family and of his deep desire to be with them. The angles smiled with joy… “You have chosen your family, sweet Shining Star’!” they told him. “We will take you down the Rainbow Bridge to Earth so that you may live with them and be their son. We will miss you, for how you have brightened the heavens!” they sang. “But we will not be sad as we know that we will see you back here with us after you have lived a full and happy life on Earth. And, we will watch over you, always”.
Holding the hands of the angles, the little shining star descended the rainbow bridge. They nestled him softly on the grass under the shade of an old oak tree.
The little Earth girl woke up bright and early with the sun that morning. She yawned and stretched her arms. The sunlight shining through the open window looked so warm and inviting that she had an urge to run, barefoot in the meadow. As she stepped out of the house and greeted the Sun with a happy smile, something under the old oak tree caught her eye. Moving a little closer, she saw that it was baby boy. She gasped in wonder and ran back to the house as fast as her little legs would carry her.
“Mother, Father!” she cried. “Wake up, wake up! The angles have left us a gift!”
When they saw the little baby boy lying under the oak tree, they were overjoyed. The mother picked him up and held him close to her heart. She smiled down into his shining face and knew that she loved him just as much as she loved her little girl. She knew that her prayers had been answered and her little boy had been born. The father smiled happily at the little girl, pride swelling in his great chest.
“What is his name?” the little girl asked.
“His name is Teddy” her father replied. “He is your little brother, Kitty, and you must look after him and love him always.”
And that is the story of how Teddy came to his mother and his father and his sister, Kitty.’
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Ms Laura invited Teddy to light his birthday candle. He used it to light each of is rainbow candles.
Kitty and Teddy and Dad, whose eyes are just a little moist.
To all the people out there who make our children know how special and how loved they are… Thank You!
Here are the other inspiring posts in the Discovering Waldorf series.
Blessings and magic to you!
5 Responses
Oh the magic and wonder of it all, this I think is the joy of Waldorf, who would not be inspired by the love, Love and light, Marie
I just love the expression of good man. What a lovely story. The stork brought you.
Hi Donni-
Several of the mothers of children in my new school, “Mountain Phoenix Community School” spotted me on your website….so I had to go back and look again! How delightful to relive Teddy’s special day, and I continue to tell the “Birthday story” to more children of my new community here in Colorado. I tried to enter my fairy garden in my classroom in your contest, but couldn’t get it to link up. I hope you are all doing well and thriving!
Miss Laura
Hi Miss Laura,
How wonderful to hear from you. I still get tears when I revisit this beautiful day… you gave us so much magic and beauty… thank you.
Yes, we are thriving. You wont believe how big Kate is now… she is almost as tall as I am. And Teddy turned 6 the other day. He has a toothless grin that makes him look even more naughty than usual :-)
Your school looks wonderful and I bet it’s so lovely in Colorado.
Lots of love to you.