Handmade Chirstmas Gifts :: Painted Peg People

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Kitty and Teddy are each getting a set of themselves for Christmas this year. It’s sweet (and funny) how they often play ‘brother and sister’ and now they can play ‘brother and sister’ with their new peg gnomes.

I made them using the little peg people forms you can get at any craft store… mine came from Michaels.

I used a wood burning tool I’ve been dying to use to draw the outlines onto the little wooden peg people and write the children’s names on the bottom of each but a black fine tipped permanent marker will work just as well. I colored in the details with colored permanent markers and then sealed them with a coat of hodgepodge.

I tried to make them look like themselves… Teddy with his golden hair and blue eyes and Kitty with her new short hair and long eyelashes.

And then I put each set in a little box, wrapped them sweetly and put them under the tree. Under the tree is getting fuller and fuller and brother and sister are having an exciting time trying to guess what’s inside each gift. This one is about the size of a Rubik’s Cube and Teddy thinks it might contain a pair of rain boots for him. I love how Kitty, who of course knows that rain boots would never fit into a package that small, smiles with him and agrees that rain boots would be nice.

Happy Christmas crafting,
Blessings and magic,


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2 Responses

  1. Oh I was just sitting here, thinking about one last little thing to make my nephew…so perfect! I’ve got lots of little peg people waiting to be painted.

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