Handmade Christmas Gifts :: Crazy Crayons

Teddy and Kitty will be giving handmade Crazy Crayon Christmas gifts to their friends this year. Not only do these make super cute gifts, they are a wonderful way to get rid of all of those broken crayons lying around. Although the kids don’t know this yet, Santa will be bringing them lovely new crayons and so I was eager to recycle the old ones to make space for the new.

Use a fun mold for your Crazy Crayons and make sure it is oven safe.

Your kids will love the breaking part if this project… when else are the encouraged to break their crayons into tiny little bits? Mix all the colors together to make a kaleidoscope of color.

Set them in the oven at a very low temperature (150 F) for about 20 minutes or until they are gently melted.

allow them to cool and then gently pop them out of the molds.

The colors meld together making a crayon of many colors.

Kitty remarked that she’d like to take one along the next time we go to a restaurant as she will have all the colors she needs to keep her busy for ages :-)

Happy Christmas Crafting,
Blessings and magic,


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2 Responses

  1. Do you have to use a certain brand or type (washable/regular) of crayon for this to work? I’ve heard that some don’t turn out well when they are melted. I’ve got a huge container of broken crayons that are a combo of crayola and cheapo brands and washable and regular. Also, do you need to use a silicone mold? Thanks for any advice!

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