Fairy Gardens :: A Weekly Sneak Peek

Here is a peek at a few of this weeks magical gardens entered into our  Fairy Garden Contest. Click on the link to see all of the amazingly creative and charming gardens you guys have made :-)

Yes, fairies go camping too…

In caravans (above) and charmaing Fairy Garden tents also…

And, cabins in the woods

There are so many more magical Fairy Gardens entered into the contest. Here is a link to the 2012 Fairy Garden Contest page where you can see all the links to all the gardens entered so far. The contest closes on 1st August, so there’s still lots of time for you to make your own Fairy Garden and share it here.

And, if you need even more inspiration to enter your own Fairy Garden, have a look at the totally amazing prizes you and your little ones can win – PRIZES!!!!

Here’s a link to all the important Fairy Garden stuff on the Fairy Garden Page.

Hope you are having a happy Saturday :-)
Blessings and magic,


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