Homemade Banana Popsicles

I had so much fun reading through your recent comments on my Facebook Page about your favorite summer snacks. So many super ideas we will be trying this summer… thank you for sharing. One popular theme was fruit popsicles and we found ourselves making just this on our hot and sunny Saturday afternoon.

Of course I couldn’t find our fancy popsicle molds so we had to improvise.

We needed : two ripe bananas, popsicle sticks, a cup of milk, two pots (8oz each) of fruit yogurt, a handful of ice and 6 recycled yogurt pots.

We blended the ingredients in our blender for quite a long time until it was light and fluffy and then we poured our yummy mixture into the yogurt cups. We popped them into the freezer.

After about forty five minutes, we took them out of the freezer and inserted the popsicle sticks into our ice-creams. After being in the freezer for about three quarters of an hour, they are semi frozen and, while allowing us to push the popsicle stick into the slushy mixture, they are firm enough for the sticks to stand upright.

Pop them back into the freezer for a few hours. When they are wonderfully frozen, they are ready to enjoy. To remove the popsicles from the yogurt cups, run the pots, upside down, under hot water for a little and your popsicles will slide right out.

A GREAT hit! Especially on a hot Southern Californian day :-)

I can’t wait to try some more of your fabulous summer treat ideas.

Blessings and magic,


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6 Responses

  1. I’ve seen several healthy popsicle ideas lately so we’re keen to try them all this summer.
    I’m SO tempted to buy a stainless steel popsicle mold but for now we have a plastic one.
    Happy Summer!
    ~ joey ~

  2. I live in Banana Country Queensland Australia. I think I just have to try these next weekend, my grandson and I have made something every time he comes to nans so this is sure to be our next recipe to do together and how much fun is it gunna be when we can sit and have a home made ice cream after a swim. Many Thanks for your post we will be enjoying this one for years to come, especialy wih all the tropical fruit we have to chose from. Lickety spilt

  3. I would love to make these with my 6 year-old daughter; however, can you clarify what does “two post of fruit yogurt” mean? Also, is it total of 1 1/2 milk?
    Thank you for sharing your recipes and fun ideas with us. Looking forward to reading your blog.

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