Great news, Fairyfolk Friends… we are having a huge SALE in the shop for Black Friday through Cyber Monday. 10% off your entire order!! Starting NOW!! So, if you are thinking about shopping at FAIRYFOLK this holiday season, this weekend is a good time to do start!

To get your 10% off, add the code MAGIC at Etsy checkout (you’ll see a ‘coupon box’ on your checkout page for this code) Etsy will automatically recalculate your total to reflect the 10% discount.

I’ve have added many super-cute Christmas goodies over the past couple of weeks… click HERE to take a peek!

Here’s a collection of magical Christmas ornaments I wanted to show you … there are many others available in the shop too, so do have a browse.

Needle Felted Cardinal perched on a branch
Felt Christmas Garland
Felted Acorn Christmas Ornaments
Robins Eggs in a Vine Nest Ornaments
Felt Mistletoe for Christmas Kisses
Felt and Pinecone Christmas Tree
Needle Felted Butterfly Ornamet
Needle Felted Owl Ornament
Felt Toadstool Christmas Ornaments

I have also been working hared on adding new toys and other magical treasures for the Christmas season … CLICK HERE to see them all.

This sale starts NOW!! Remember to add the code MAGIC at checkout to redeem your 10% discount. And, tell you friends all about it too!

 Happy Thanksgiving.

Blessings and magic,



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