DIY Felt Christmas Tree Ornament :

I love this plant dyed wool felt. There’s something SO magical about the colors you get when you use Mother Earth’s own! They are wonderfully bright and vivid but with a softness to them that is unique to natural dye. Oooooo, we were so excited to get started on all the Christmas ornaments we want to make for this year’s Christmas tree.

This colorful felt Christmas tree is our first handmade Christmas ornament of the year… isn’t it wonderful!!

All we needed to make it was our colorful wool felt (from A Child’s Dream Come True), a little brass bell (found at a garage sale), a needle and thread and a pair of scissors.

We cut the wool felt into circles… each one a slightly different size, starting with a very small circle for the top of the tree. Kitty had a very good idea and used a circle to measure the size of the next circle… just a tiny bit bigger than the one she had just cut. I LOVE to see creative critical thinking in action!

The biggest circle is a little bigger than 2 inches in diameter and the smallest one is tiny.

When about 40 felt circles have been cut out, Kitty stacked them one on top of the other, starting with the largest circle and finishing with the teeny tiniest one.

She threaded her needle with the hemp thread and tied a knot in the end. Then, one by one, she passed the needle through the center of each felt circle, starting with the biggest first and pushed each circle down to sit on the knot.

Then it was time to sew the little bell onto the top of the tree.

Use the thread to make a hanging loop and Voila! What a wonderful little Christmas ornament we now have to put on our tree when it goes up.

I love to see the look of accomplishment on Kitty’s face… it was a labor of love and she is so proud of her creation.

Check back again soon to see what other gorgeous things come out of our beautiful felt.

Blessings and magic,


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12 Responses

  1. There is nothing more precious than making family memories using crafts that can come out every year for the rest of your life reminding you of such wonderful times. With good care, these fond moments can be passed down from generation to generation. Great memories are the best presents you can give your children :)

  2. What a great idea. It’s been a long while since I’ve crafted with my children. They’re grown up now and no grandkids yet. So I’ll just have to craft by myself till the grandkids come along! HAHA She did such a good job with the ornament. Thanks for the info.

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