Kitty’s handmade Nativity set is coming along wonderfully. Click here to see how she made her Baby Jesus and here to see how she made Mary and Joseph. Today she added the Three Kings and the Shepherd… and an acorn cow (yes… he’s made from an acorn from one of my magnificent Bur Oak acorns).
She has made her Nativity set using gorgeous wool felt we found at A Child’s Dream Come True , peg dolls from our local craft shop, scissors and my hot glue gun.
Don’t you just LOVE this King’s crown!?
Here are the Three Kings, carrying gold, frankincense and myrrh.
And here is her sweet Shepherd.
Although, Kitty has made this whole Nativity set, it is Teddy who has played with it the most. He acts out the Christmas Story and never fails to utter the line… ‘Sorry, Baby Jesus, there is no room at the inn… but I have a stable for you to spend the night’. I can’t tell you how these little words in his little voice moves me so… you see, this was my younger brother, Ali’s, line in his Christmas play 28 years ago. Teddy knows them as they have become part of the Christmas story I tell my children each year. Teddy sounds just like the little Ali did all those years ago. And now, please excuse me while I go off for a little cry.
Blessings and magic,
4 Responses
It is terrific!
So cute! Your little girl did a fantastic job. I just posted a few pictures of the one my girl made this week, and I hope you don’t mind that I posted a link to yours too.
Sorry, I meant to leave you a link too. :)
Me too, I’m also off for a tissue. Do you think we remember that so well because it was the first whole sentence he’d ever said? It’s a beautiful Nativity set and I’m so glad T plays with it, it really is a wonderful story.