We have the most beautiful 7ft Noble Pine Christmas tree in our living room. It’s mostly bare at the moment as we add handmade ornaments to it as we make them. But, it is filling up fast with all of the Christmas crafting we are doing.
Today, Kitty and I made needle felted gingerbread men ornaments. We used a gingerbread man cookie cutter which makes this a great beginner needle felting project for children as the cookie cutter protects their little fingers from the sharp needle felting needle.
These are the things you’ll need to make these cute little fellows ::
1. A Gingerbread Man cookie cutter (found at craft stores)
2. A protective foam needle felting block (found at A Child’s Dream Come True)
3. Brown wool roving(found at A Child’s Dream Come True)
4. Black wool roving (found at A Child’s Dream Come True)
5. A needle felting needle (found at A Child’s Dream Come True)
6. String or thread for hanging him on the Christmas Tree
To begin, set the cookie cutter on the foam block.
Fill it with wool roving.
Now, holding the cookie cutter on the felting block, needle felt the wool inside the cookie cutter with your needle felting needle. Needle felt it until the wool is nice and compact inside the cookie cutter shape. Pay particular attention to the outline, making sure the hand holding the cookie cutter (or your child’s hand) is on the opposite side to the side you are working on.
We can add the ‘raisin’ eyes and buttons when the wool is nicely shaped inside the cookie cutter. Break off a tiny amount of back roving and roll it between the palms of your hands into small balls.
Place the ‘raisin eyes’ in place inside the cookie cutter and needle felt them into your gingerbread man.
With a needle and thread, make a hanging loop for your felted gingerbread man to hang on your Christmas tree… isn’t he cute!!!
Do you made any handmade Christmas ornaments this year?
Blessings and magic,
7 Responses
What does needle felt the wool mean? What is back roving? What does it mean to needle felt the eyes into the ginger bread man? Thanks for any help that you can give me with this.
I just started to do needle felting crafts. I made a sweet bat. I did not use a cookie cutter but they are great for shaping items. I don’t yet know the lingo but to needle felt means to push the barbed needle into the wool so it tangles the fibers so to speak. The more times you push the needle all over the piece you are making the more firm the shape gets. To felt the eyes into the ginger bread man means to push the needle into the wool ( roving ) threads ensnaring it with the fibers of the face. If you go into youtube you can find basic needle felting tutorials on shapes and how to attach eyes, arms, legs or other colors to your characters you work on. Hope that helped some.
I know this post is from last year, but I just wanted to thank you for the tutorial. I have done a little needle felting myself, but my 4 year old son was able to help me with this. Using the cookie cutter is a great way to do this with kids! Thanks again!
Thank you so much for this tutorial. I have just made my first ever needle felt gingerbread man and I love him. You have opened a whole new craft for me x
Hi Julia… I can’t tell you how excited your comment has made me. It takes me back to the first time I made a toadstool and realized that I had FOUND my thing!!! Yay for needle felting… may you make many more wonderful treasures :-)
xo Donni
This is such a great idea! Thank you very much for the tutorial. I’m trying to see if I can find a similar cookie-cutter in the UK. Would you be able to let me know what kind of size yours was, please?
Hi Kate,
Mine is about 3 inches high.
xo Donni