Teddy Bear :: A Letter on your 6th Birthday

To my Beautiful Teddy Bear, my May Day boy.

Today you are 6! How time with you has flown by. I remember, like it was yesterday, holding your warm little body in my arms on that first day I met you. I watched your face become beautiful, your little nose, your sweet blue eyes, imprinted in my heart so that I will forever see the sweet little baby that you were. I have an image in my mind of your dad sitting in a chair next to the window, the new bundle that was you, nestled gently in his arms like a precious rugby ball, the early morning sun streaming in through the window. He was gazing down at you and there was a glow that radiated from your souls… ‘This is my son!’… ‘This is my dad!’

Now you are a boy, my Teddy. What a gift you are to us, every day. I love the stories you tell me, with your serious face and big blue eyes, wide in wonder. You love to run, to play outside. You find an old discarded fishing line on the rocks at the farmers market and you fish for hours. You climb trees. You play golf in the garden. You love to cook with me and we bake delicious chocolate cakes together. You  still say ‘Tost Poffice’ when you mean to say Post Office and your sister and I smile inwardly, cherishing this last remnant of the little toddler who called an elephant an ‘ampervant’.

You and your dad are as thick as thieves. You have inherited his amazing sporting ability and the two of you are having so much fun exploring all kinds of sports. Last summer, the two of you would set off early each morning to surf. The California surfer dudes delighted in this little 5 year old boy who could stand on his board and ride a wave… you are their mascot, they say. Now, you have fallen in love with golf and, already, you have ‘chipped the ball into the hole’.

Your sister is your protector… and you, hers. Lo and behold either of you get into trouble… you bond together to form a formidable pair. She loves you so much is truly touched by watching you become the person you were meant to be.

We love you with all our hearts and thank you for the gift of your love.

Blessings and magic,

Your Mum.

PS – here is a special Birthday note from your Gran :

“It was an honour for me to also watch your crumpled newborn face turn into the beautiful one you have now. I was so lucky to be there then and I am still lucky to be part of your milestones now. Your Mom forgot to say how musical you are and how you play chopsticks with me. You didn’t talk for ages but your eyes were always wise and summed up everything around them, and anyway who needs to speak when you have a sister to do that for you. If you grow up to be half your Mom and half your Dad you’re going to be an amazing person. I love you. Gran”



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4 Responses

  1. It was an honour for me to also watch your crumpled newborn face turn into the beautiful one you have now. I was so lucky to be there then and I am still lucky to be part of your milestones now. Your Mom forgot to say how musical you are and how you play chopsticks with me. You didn’t talk for ages but your eyes were always wise and summed up everything around them, and anyway who needs to speak when you have a sister to do that for you. If you grow up to be half your Mom and half your Dad you’re going to be an amazing person. I love you. Gran

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