Fairy Gardens :: 2013 :: The Magic Onions ~ www.theMagicOnions.com

First Prize :: $100 Spending Spree at the magical toyshop Bella Luna Toys

Second Prize :: 6 Month Subscription to Mariposa Forest worth $50

Third Prize :: $25 Spending Spree at the Miniature Garden Shoppe

Such magical prizes!!! Please visit their sites to see the wonderful goodies you and your child could win.

To have a chance of winning these amazing prizes, enter your Fairy Garden into the 2013 Fairy Garden contest before August 1st. Details are HERE.

If you need ideas and inspiration, please click on the ‘Fairy Gardens’ tab in the navigation bar above.

Here’s a link to enter the 2013 Fairy Garden Contest.

Here’s a link to purchase the cutest Fairy Garden Kit to adorn your own fairy garden with.

And, here’s my Pinterest Fairy Garden Page… follow it to see all the cute Fairy Gardens I find.

Good luck magical gardeners!

Blessings and magic,



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4 Responses

    1. Haha… I’m so sorry, Star. I accidently pressed publish on Friday’s post instead of ‘save’. I’ve taken it down and will put it up again on Friday and your entry will still be up there :-)
      Love Donni

  1. It’s just so funny for me to see this post. Only two days ago I decided that my heart and hands wanted to create a fairy garden for my children. I finally manage to find the time to sit down and read some of my Pinterest pins and one of them was from your blog.
    As I sit fully enjoying the above post I scroll down to see this.
    It’s just too funny and seems like it’s time to get to work

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