Calling all Fairy Gardeners… these are the last days to enter the 2013 Fairy Garden Contest. The contest closes on August 1st. If you have made a Fairy Garden this year, please don’t forget to enter. Scroll down to see details on how to enter and view the magical prizes you and your kids can win.

I have two enchanting new gardens to show you.

This first one is from Twig and Toadstool. Oh my… isn’t it delightful!!!!!! It has little red toadstools, a pretty shell bath and sink, a wooden ladder, fairy beds and baby beds, wells and even the cutest little acorn tea set!

Fairy Gardens - The Magic Onions - 2013 -

Fairy Gardens - The Magic Onions - 2013 -

Fairy Gardens - The Magic Onions - 2013 -

Fairy Gardens - The Magic Onions - 2013 -

Fairy Gardens - The Magic Onions - 2013 -

This beautiful Fairy Garden made by Paige and Devin is utterly magical too. The tree trunk is a Pixie hideout!! It has lots of sweet little fairy houses and a even a shale dragons lair!

Fairy Gardens - The Magic Onions - 2013 -

Fairy Gardens - The Magic Onions - 2013 -

Fairy Gardens - The Magic Onions - 2013 -

Thank you for entering these amazingly imaginative creations into the Fairy Garden Contest… gosh, how hard it will be to choose the winners!

Here are the important Fairy Garden links ::

Enter the Fairy Garden Contest here (and check out all the other magical gardens already entered).

For more Fairy Garden inspiration, please click HERE or visit the ‘Fairy Garden’s’ tab above on the navigation bar.

Here’s a link to purchase the cutest Fairy Garden Kit.

And, here’s my Pinterest Fairy Garden Page… follow it to see all the cute Fairy Gardens I find.

Click here to see the amazing PRIZES you and your little ones can win…

Fairy Garden Contest :: The Magic Onions ::

 Make magic, my Friends,

Blessings and magic,



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