I have such a treat for you today… I’ve put together five enchanting collages. The photos come from some of my favorite Pins from my Fairy Garden Pinterest Board. As you look at them, I’m sure you will be inspired to make a fairy garden of your own. If you do, be sure to enter it into our Fairy Garden Contest… the contest closes on April 1st, so there are still 10 days for your to enter (check out the cool prizes you and your kids can win a the end of the post).

OK… prepare to be utterly enchanted!!

Fairy Gardens on The Magic Onions - www.theMagicOnions.com

Fairy Gardens on The Magic Onions - www.theMagicOnions.com

Fairy Gardens on The Magic Onions - www.theMagicOnions.com

Fairy Gardens on The Magic Onions - www.theMagicOnions.com

Fairy Gardens on The Magic Onions - www.theMagicOnions.com

All of these pins come from my Fairy Garden Pinterest Board (if you want to see more of each image, click through to it’s source from my board). Be sure to visit my board and ‘follow’ to see all of my new fair garden pins as I find them.

Here are the important Fairy Garden links :

Enter the Fairy Garden Contest here (and check out all the other magical gardens already entered).

For more Fairy Garden inspiration, please click HERE or visit the ‘Fairy Garden’s’ tab above on the navigation bar.

Here’s a link to purchase the cutest Fairy Garden Kit.

And, here’s my Pinterest Fairy Garden Page… follow it to see all the cute Fairy Gardens I find.

Click here to see the amazing PRIZES you and your little ones can win…

Fairy Garden Contest :: The Magic Onions :: www.theMagicOnions.com

 And, last thing… have you entered the current Giveaway? It’s a REALLY good one!!! If you haven’t, leave a comment on the Giveaway post. See what you can win…

Magic Onions Giveaway - Summer Magic Craft Box - www.theMagicOnions.com

Sparkle on Fairy Gardeners!!

Blessings and magic,



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One Response

  1. Oh my! Too precious! I love the bed with the leaf blanket best… I think… Though the tire swing is adorable also… Then again… Thankfully I don’t have to pick a favorite and can just enjoy them all. Thanks for the inspiration!

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