We have a place we have recently discovered called The Stump Pile. It is in a nearby forest. The crazy thing about this place is that it is a city dumping ground for logs and sticks… nothing else, just logs and sticks! There are huge piles of the most gorgeous logs and big heaps of sticks. The most perfect place in the world for building forts!!

With a few nails and a hammer, a saw, some rope and a broom, Teddy and Kitty and their friends set about building their wonderful forts. They worked for hours… hauling logs, breaking sticks into just the right lengths, finding bark, hammering, sweeping, building. Here are amazing forest houses they built…

Building Forts : www.theMagicOnions

Building Forts : www.theMagicOnions

Building Forts : www.theMagicOnions

Building Forts : www.theMagicOnions

Building Forts : www.theMagicOnions

Building Forts : www.theMagicOnions

What a fun experience for them! We’ll be going back to The Stump Pile soon.

Blessings and magic,



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5 Responses

  1. What a gorgeous place to visit! Lucky you!
    We made forts under big trees in the forest when I was a child. My favourite part was sweeping the forest floor “clean” and making furniture from stumps!
    ~ joey ~

  2. Those forts look amazing, I love the sweet flowers, they really make it seem cozy. Do you guys go back often? It looks like a fun place to go have a picnic after building those cool forts.

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