This is one of the most uplifting things I have ever seen… it’s magical! And shows how music can be in everyone’s life, no matter who we are or where we come from. What struck me the most are the amazing and inspiring adults who share their time and talent to give the gift of music to these children.

Landfill Harmonic :: Discovering Waldorf -

Blessings and magic,



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One Response

  1. Most of us didn’t have an idea of how other people can live in other countries, and the y HAVE to use their imagination to create wonderful things.
    I signed up my daughter for violin lesson, a teacher will come to our house and give 45 mnts class but seems like my daughter doesn’t care about it, We bought her a brand new violin for this class but I don’t think she is aware of all the efforts mommy and daddy do to pay these violin lesson, I wish she could appreciate it more! I know she is only 5 years old but at least She could do her best to TRY to listen to the teacher.Our kids live in a way different path than other kids in other countries do.

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