And, in second place, we have this utterly charming fairy garden made by Shanti and her kids from Twig and Toadstool. It’s ENCHANTING! There’s no doubt in my mind that when the lights go out at night in Shanti’s home, little fairy lights come on in this garden and the fairies revel the night away in this magical place.

Please sign up to receive delightful Fairy Garden tips and special features… BONUS : subscribers go into the monthly draw to win special gifts from The Magic Onions Shop.

The little handmade details are amazing… an acorn tea set for the fairies, a milkweed bed, a shell sink, a marble and acorn lantern. Have a look through these magical photos and prepare to be enchanted…

Magical Fairy Garden :

Magical Fairy Garden :

Magical Fairy Garden :

There are sweet little things wherever you look… a tiny felted fire place for roasting marshmallows, a little stick ladder, shell stepping stones. The fun and imagination in this fairy garden just SINGS!

Magical Fairy Garden :

Magical Fairy Garden :

Magical Fairy Garden :

Magical Fairy Garden :

Magical Fairy Garden :

Magical Fairy Garden :

Magical Fairy Garden :

Magical Fairy Garden :

Magical Fairy Garden :

Magical Fairy Garden :

Magical Fairy Garden :

I particularly love these last two photos that show Shanti’s girls who are off into the woods in search of all the goodies they needed for this garden. It makes me so happy to see young ladies using their creative spirits, out in nature, setting their imaginations free. This is magic!

Magical Fairy Garden :

Magical Fairy Garden :

I hope this magical garden has inspired you to make a Fairy Garden with your own little ones and enter it into our Fairy Garden Contest. Not only is it incredibly fun to make a miniature garden like this, but there are such AWESOME prizes to be won.

Be sure to check out the Fairy Garden links below…


Important Fairy Garden Links :

Fairy Garden Page with lots of photos, links and ideas, tutorials and instructions.

2014 Fairy Garden Contest Rules and Entry Form

Detailed Tutorial on How To Make A Fairy Garden

AWESOME Prizes for the 2014 Fairy Garden Contest


Fairy Gardens : Pinterest : The Magic Onions

So, the big question : which garden is going to win First Place in the 2013 Fairy Garden Contest? Tune in tomorrow to find out!

Blessings and magic,


Please sign up to receive delightful Fairy Garden tips and special features… BONUS : subscribers go into the monthly draw to win special gifts from The Magic Onions Shop.


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2 Responses

  1. Wonderfully creative and charming…I think this garden should have gotten first place. Great ideas to spur the creative juices for future fairy gardening. Thanks for sharing!

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