Fall is just starting to show her pretty face here in Southern California… the leaves are starting to turn Autumn shades and there is an abundance of nature bits to be collected to craft with. We set out into the wild places with boots and a basket and find all manner of treasures. Fall crafting is so much fun!

Here are some fun Fall crafts my kids and I have made using goodies we’ve picked up in nature :

Autumn Crafting with Kids : www.theMagicOnions.com

1. Beeswax Suncatcher

2. Acorn Man

3. Indian Corn Necklace

4. Fun Leaf Mobile

5. Leaves preserved with Beeswax

6. Pine Cone Garland

Happy Fall Crafting,

Blessings and magic,





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4 Responses

  1. Hi Donni,

    I just started “One-Year-in-Miami” with my familiy. So I don’t know, where to by beeswax in the US online. Could you please advise? thanks, Julia

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