Donna, from The Waldorf Connection is here to share an article on how homeschooling can fit into our busy lives.
How can homeschooling fit into my busy life?
These days everyone seems busier than ever and if you
have one or more young children, you can feel like a juggler
with too many spinning plates.
The thought of adding homeschooling to the mix could give
visions of plates crashing to the ground (and you with them.)
But, it can work.
If homeschooling with Waldorf education is tugging at your heart strings,
there is hope. You can weave all your activities into a daily rhythm that works
for your lifestyle and gives your child an excellent education.
Be realistic.
If you have a 6 year old, a toddler and a baby then your free time is already
at nil. You may not be able to make felted toys, dye your own silks or
host a festival, but there are many simple ways to bring Waldorf into your life.
Opt for a “done for you” curriculum rather than choosing to create it all yourself.
Understand the commitment.
There is a commitment when you decide to become your child’s educator..
It is an important responsibility you are undertaking. That being said, it is
also a joyful, exciting journey. Commit to being your best for your child.
If that means take-out instead of a home-cooked meal due to extreme
tiredness- it’s ok. The love and passion that comes through you is the most
important part.
A teacher doesn’t show up to her class without training. An employee doesn’t
start a new job by figuring it out alone. Why do homeschool moms feel we should be able to
do this by “winging it”? Find someone who is a bit further along to answer your questions
and concerns. In the beginning, confidence is the biggest obstacle. Getting guidance and
support from mentors, other homeschooling friends and family goes a long way.
Lay your daily rhythm foundation.
Your day can be a whirlwind of trying to stay one step ahead and
not collapse or you can set up your main rhythms of the day as your foundation.
A rhythm is something you do each day like meals, dressing, naps, diaper changes,
and bedtime. Use meal planners, and establish solid routines that can put those
things you do each day on auto pilot. It becomes just ‘what you do” instead of
you wondering “what do I do?!”
Hold you head high.
You have made a decision that feels right for you and your family, but others
may not understand or may question whether you can do it. Keep your spouse and
family in the loop. If they understand what you are doing, it will be easier for them to
support and help you. Waldorf can be different for many families, so give them
some information on what and why and be patient.
Be flexible.
Even the best laid out day can go awry. Things happen because your are homeschooling.
There is no dividing it from the real life happening all around you. The beauty of this is
that you can always catch up or change directions to meet your child’s needs and your
own. It’s ok to cancel school and do a park day or field trip. It’s ok to rethink your main
lesson block if it’s not working.
Bring the magic to your child through you
The main thing your child needs is a joyful, grounded teacher to
glean from. You don’t have to be an expert wet-on-wet painter or a
super knitter. Your unique gifts, talents and passions are what will be
the spark in your homeschool. Bringing your own spin on teaching will
make all the difference and make it sustainable for you.
There is no one size fits all formula to this which is what makes it a bit
challenging and also extremely rewarding.
Just be yourself on an exciting homeschool adventure.
Its a journey.. a new path you are creating.
Take it slow, let others help and have fun.
For other great articles on Waldorf Education, please visit the Discovering Waldorf Education page.
Blessings and magic,
18 Responses
Thanks for a great post!
We are feeling particularly inspired by this fall season, the changing leaves, sweet apples, crisp air… getting ready for a walk to the park and some halloween crafts.
It’s nice to have a reminder that homeschooling is not separate from life-and that is the beauty of it!
The Waldorf Homeschool U course sounds amazing, good luck to all!
I’m a Waldorf homeschooler of four (ages 2-10) and to be honest I’m really struggling right now with burn out. It would be such a blessing to be able to get to take this course to get some guidance and reset our homeschool and family.
Great article! We are waldorf homeschoolers. My daughter is 6. Thanks so much for the chance to win the homeschool course.
This class looks wonderful.
Due to the extensive travels of this year we have been unschooling our children which has worked great but now that we have settled again my children are indicating a little more structure, more lessons that can be internalised, days set up. Homeschooling my children has been the hardest thing I have every done, I too am ready for the ride to be made a little more gentle within a community that shares my values, my search has led me here, Waldorf methods have always touched my heart, indeed implementing a new rhythm would be a blessing.
I Would so love to win this
Would love to win!
I am the product of a Waldorf Education. I was lucky to have attended the Toronto Waldorf school from Grade 2-Grade 11, and I always say that I had the best education of anyone I know. Now that I have been blessed with a daughter, I would like to home school her in the same methods under which I flourished. Thank you for introducing me to this opportunity.
We are new to Waldorf style homeschooling. I love the idea of rhythm in our daily lives but we are still working on creating ours. This course would be wonderful!
An inspiring post! I would love to win a spot in the Waldorf Homeschool U course
*1 artist-husband
*2 curly-headed twin girls
*3 cats
And we all live together in a nearly 100-year-old house in the city. The girls, at 22-months, love to play the harmonica. My husband plays guitar. We all sing and dance. How could Waldorf not sing to me? How could I not want to homeschool?
Extremely interested in this course, I like how she has everything laid out so simply
Would love to win a spot! Thank u!
I have a beautiful little girl and although she is only 8.5 months old, I am educating myself about my options for when she does start pre-k, k. I am loving the Waldorf method, from what I am researching. I am a single widow doing this alone and I really want her to be brought up in an artistic way and nature based. I would love a chance to win if there are any upcoming contests for the U course. I am thirsty for knowledge!
This looks like a well put together and relevant course. I’m excited at the idea of winning a place and getting my head around all the info out there. This course would definately change the wayI homeschool.
Would love to win!! Enjoyed this blog post :)
I would absolutely love to win a chance to take the Waldorf Homeschool U course! Thanks for the chance to enter and win!
I loved this post! Waldorf is not “tugging” it is wrenching at my heartstrings as I watch my son flounder daily in the public school system. I know a change is necessary, but fear stands in my way. I would love some help! I don’t want to fail as I would be failing him.