The Waldorf Homeschool Handbook : Discovering Waldorf

At last! A book that will lovingly hold your hand and guide you through all you are searching for with Waldorf homeschooling. This book is pure gold. Let me present The Waldorf Homeschool Handbook, written by my friend and Waldorf homeschooler extraordinaire, Donna Ashton. I’m so excited for you, Donna – congratulations! But I’m MORE excited for all the hundreds and thousands of families you and your book are going to help. And, I’m EVEN MORE excited for all the children your book is going to touch, all  the lives it will enrich. You have done a great thing.

Discovering Waldorf : The Waldorf Homeschool Handbook :

Although I don’t homeschool my children (together with friends and local experts, we started our own Waldorf School 5 years ago, of which Kitty has always been part of the pioneer class), I soak up all there is to learn about Waldorf education. I have read book after book and each has infused me with the beautiful magic that Waldorf holds. Each has given me a little piece of the puzzle and strengthened my resolve to do all I can to give my children this special gift. Yes, I have always been acutely aware of how lucky my family is to have been a part of the founding of Maple Village Waldorf School and I have often wondered what we would be doing if our school hadn’t become the success it is today. I have marveled at how homeschooling moms can feel brave enough to set out on the journey of Waldorf Homeschooling. I have wished for a book that brings all Waldorf threads together and knits them into a handbook, a what-is, a how-to. Well, here we have it, folks, seriously… this is it! With this in my hands, I could do it… I , really, REALLY, could!

Discovering Waldorf : Waldorf Homeschool Resourses :

“Waldorf Education enables young people to be in love with the world as the waorld should be loved. ” – Marjorie Spock

This book is like having a mentor right there in your home. It is beautiful to read, inspiring, motivating and utterly informative. It does not make you scared, it empowers. It leads and guides and shows you where to find what you need to know.


Discovering Waldorf : The Waldorf Homeschool Handbook :

“Let parents bequeath to their children not riches, but the spirit of reverence.” – Plato

And, don’t think it’s only for homeschoolers… it’s written all of us.  If you are at all interested or involved in Waldorf, this book is a must read… a gift. For me, it has helped me to see how I can improve so much in our home. How I can bring the Waldorf magic and love into all we do. I am inspired.

You can purchase your copy from Audry Press.

Hurry… it’s on sale for only $16.95!


We are offering one lucky reader a chance to win The Waldorf Homeschool Handbook. You have many chances to win by entering below.

A winner will be randomly drawn on Sunday, Feburary 2nd. I’ll send the winner a notification shortly thereafter. Good luck!

Congrats Robin… you are the winner. I’ve already sent you an email.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For more info on Waldorf Education, please visit my Waldorf Page.

Blessings and magic,



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77 Responses

  1. I have attempted to read all I can to get familiar with the Waldorf way, in hopes of implementing it within our own home, but a helpful guide that breaks it down step by step and gives ideas would be ‘priceless’. Sometimes it’s hard just to figure out where to start.

  2. I love the lack of pressure in the Waldorf style of learning. We don’t strictly follow the Waldorf principles, but it gives me courage to let Ella develop at her own speed. Regardless of how fast the others around here learn things (or are pushed to learn).

  3. One thing I love about Waldorf Education is the gentle way in which it focuses on the whole child. Our children are more than a number, much more than a score on a test. Their worth cannot be measured by standardized tests. Waldorf Education helps children discover and nurture the magic within themselves!

  4. Excited for this book! We are planning on homeschooling using Waldorf. I love the emphasis on sacred childhood and play.

  5. I’ve only recently discovered the wonderful world of Waldorf education. This is definitely the education I needed and want for my daughters!!

  6. I’ve been searching for a practical book about Waldorf homeschooling, and maybe this is it! I would love to receive a copy to peruse at my leisure!

  7. I love that Waldorf education is all about head, heart and hands and really allows us to enjoy the slower pace of life that just comes naturally to us! We value childhood and play so much and Waldorf has been the perfect fit for us!

  8. Oh that looks like a wonderful book to have! One thing that I like about Waldorf education is the focus on simpler more magical learning. Fae and gnomes used to teach and getting away from over complicated tactics.

  9. I Homeschool my 3 boys and we love the simplicity, the love of nature and creativity we have discovered through the Waldorf Education.

  10. Oh man, what a great giveaway and early Birthday present this would be!! Right one thing I love…
    I find it hard to think of just 1 thing…. For me its the beautiful art and its handwork. I love that from an early age there is finger knitting and wet felting and all sorts!!! Also love that children’s supplies are good quality and non-toxic! :) X x

  11. I love the focus of Waldorf education on being outside! arts, nature and sparking and fueling creativity is the best way to learn!!!

  12. While we are finally living in a city where there is a Waldorf school, Lola is not going there for an assortment of reasons. I do, however, like to incorporate Rudolf Steiner’s thoughts into the things she and I do at home, after school. This handbook would be a wonderful source of inspiration for just that. Thank you.


  13. Hello,

    This book appears to be just what I have been searching for! Our family is yet to make a final decision as to wether or not we should homeschool but I’m hoping this handbook could give us the confidence we need to make the best choice!

    Thank you for sharing!


  14. Oh this giveaway is very exciting!! I’m in the throes of homeschooling just one child full time but will begin another next year and yet another after that! Any support and resources available all in one spot and written by Donna is going to be amazing!! Thank you :)

  15. Thank you so much for the opportunity. We don’t homeschool but have incorporated many Waldorf principles into our everyday lives. Waldorf simply feel ‘RIGHT’ and I especially love how it fosters a child’s ability to stay a child!! Thanks again :)

  16. We have been part of a Waldorf school community for 4 years now, and it is wonderful! I have learned more applicable things about child and human development in these few years than in my twenty plus years of being a “trained” early childhood educator! I keep wanting to learn more so that I can share it with other parents that I meet through my work.

  17. I love that the rest of the world is catching up with research to what Steiner has been saying all along. Kids NEED play! And wonder and reverence.

  18. I have followed Donna for years, she is really conscientious, tuned-in & well-versed in all the various tools to support a nurturing caring childhood and helps people learn and use them.

  19. One thing I love about Waldorf education is its return to the roots of what it means to be a child learning about themselves and their world.

    I live in Launceston, Tasmania and have been working with our local Friends of Steiner Education to help get a Waldorf (or, Steiner here rather) school up and running. This book seems like an invaluable resource that I’d love to read and share with my fellow Waldorf-loving mum friends who are looking at the home school option. Thank you for this incredible opportunity!

  20. I love the beauty of waldorf education, from the stories, painting, songs, handwork to the ideology. It is all very soothing for me.

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