It’s so exciting to see each new Fairy Garden entered into the Fairy Garden Contest.

Here’s the latest. It’s GORGEOUS!!!

Please sign up to receive delightful Fairy Garden tips and special features… BONUS : subscribers go into the monthly draw to win special gifts from The Magic Onions Shop.

This AWESOME Fairy Garden is made in a broken terracotta flower pot with little mossy steps that lead up to the most delightful little stone fairy cottage. A cobble stone path, lined with bright miniature toadstools, leads to the front door of the cottage. And there’s a delightful patio with stick chairs and a stick table, complete with tea cups and a plate of cookies.

Don’t miss the birdbath, the mailbox or the charming nest in the tree… take your time to browse every detail in this magical Fairy Garden.

Layered Fairy Garden in a Broken Flowerpot : Fairy Garden : the Magic Onions.comLayered Fairy Garden in a Broken Flower Pot : Fairy Garden : the Magic Onions.comFairy Garden Stick Furniture : Layered Fairy Garden in a Broken Flowerpot : Fairy Garden : the Magic Onions.comMiniature Birdbath and Toadstools : Fairy Garden : the Magic Onions.comPussy Willow Flower Arch : Fairy Garden : the Magic Onions.comStone House and Path : Fairy Garden : the Magic Onions.comLittle Nest in a Bonzi Tree: Fairy Garden : the Magic Onions.comLayered Fairy Garden in a Broken Flowerpot : Fairy Garden : the Magic


Wow… so many delightful details in this Fairy Garden. Kitty is been enthralled.

Michelle from Michelle’s Scrap Bits is the master gardener… thank you SO much for sharing it with us.

On Michelle’s blog, you’ll find tutorials on how she made the sweet stone cottage and the stone path… as well as the stick chairs and tables. Her blog is totally worth a visit so do pop on over for more.

If this Fairy Garden has enchanted you like it has me, please share it with your friends.

And be sure to make a Fairy Garden with your own little ones and enter it into our Fairy Garden Contest. Not only is it incredibly fun to make a miniature garden like this, but there are such AWESOME prizes this year… worth $435!

Need more inspiration… be sure to check out these Fairy Garden links…

Important Fairy Garden Links :

Fairy Garden Page with lots of photos, links and ideas, tutorials and instructions.

2014 Fairy Garden Contest Rules and Entry Form

Detailed Tutorial on How To Make A Fairy Garden

AWESOME Prizes for the 2014 Fairy Garden Contest


Fairy Gardens : Pinterest : The Magic Onions


Check out the amazing PRIZES for this year’s contest (click on the image to see each prize in detail)…

Fairy Garden Contest Prizes : 2014 : The Magic

Happy Fairy Gardening,

Blessings and magic,


Please sign up to receive delightful Fairy Garden tips and special features… BONUS : subscribers go into the monthly draw to win special gifts from The Magic Onions Shop.


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