We took the kids out of school for our recent camping trip to Big Sur.
And promised that they would do ‘homeschool’ while we were away.
The girls dove right in. Their task was to pick an animal, tree or bird from Big Sur to learn about.
Kitty chose a bear, her friend a minnow (because she caught one).
They drew beautiful pictures of their animals and wrote poems and stories about them too.
It was so sweet to see them working together.
They also collected river rocks and drew pretty pictures on them and used them as paperweights to stop the wind from blower their papers away.
The boys collected bottle caps.
They scoured the other campsites for beer caps left behind by other campers.
They found hundreds.
So many beautiful colors and designs.
When they found doubles of one, they traded for a different cap.
It was amazing to see trade develop organically.
Bottle Caps is now the ultimate camping game!
What fun children can have with dirt, freedom and some old bottle caps.
Blessings and magic,