We spent the morning making pretty houses for our Fairy Garden.
We painted wooden birdhouses in bright rainbow colors. Both children declared that ‘bright rainbow colors’ attract fairies… did you know that?
Materials we needed :
- craft paper
- wood birdhouse (from craft store)
- paint (from craft store)
- polyurethane spray paint (craft or hardware store)
1. We lined the table with craft paper so that the kids could paint without fear of painting on the furniture.
2. We decided on the style and color we wanted our fairy house to be and painted happily.
3. When the paint on the fairy houses were completely dry, we took our fairy houses outside and sprayed them with a liberal coating of polyurethane. This seals the paint and prepares our fairy houses for the outdoors.
Look how wonderful our fairy houses look. They sure are BRIGHT and COLORFUL!
I think a whole crowd of fairies will be attracted to our Fairy Garden.
NOTE : If your little ones want to make a fairy house just like these but you don’t want to run around finding all the materials you’ll need, I’ve listed a Fairy House Kit in The Magic Onions Shop just for you. You’ll get everything you’ll need, shipped right to your doorstep.
Happy summer crafting,
Blessings and magic,
2 Responses
I just wanted to say that we used the pato paint for Micheals. It is weather proof paint and comes in the little bottles like the craft paints do not so many colourss maybe, but still a good selection to choose from. At our store they keep it by all their planter pots and outside decor. Also if you turn a tiny pot upside down and place a small saucer planter on top, it make a kind of fairy bath/pond. Use 3 larger ones (large, medium, small) with a larger plant saucer on top and you have a bird bath!
Thanks, Emma!! Great info for waterproofing :-)
xo Donni