Portraits of Us : Week 18

I love watching the friendship between my children grow.

As they get older, they seem to have more in common.

Kitty protects Teddy, fiercely. And in return, Teddy looks up to Kitty like she IS  the goddess she is.

They fight too, of course. They irritate and tease and get grumpy with each other like all siblings do… but it seems like these spats are less frequent than the good times now.

Oh, I like that! A lot!


To help me cherish every little moment, I post a portrait of us each week. A photo of us doing every-day-little-things that I know I will miss in the years to come. When I’m missing these sweet times, I’ll come back and see that I did cherish them. I did drink them in and I did know how special it all was.

Here’s to these special, happy, days… all of them.

Here are the previous Portraits of Us.

Blessings and magic,



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