I’m more than excited to share the delightful fairies from Lavender & Lark, who is offering one of the amazing prizes for the Fairy Garden Contest.

Aren’t they just the most magical little fairies you’ve ever seen?

Every detail is perfect and just so enchanting that it’s hard not to squeal when you notice it. Do you see the acorn banjo in the photo below?! (You squealed, didn’t you?)

Phoebe Capelle is the creator behind these sweet beings and I adore how she uses natural materials like felt and wool and incorporates natural goodies like acorns, sticks and leaves too.

Look at her amazing Autumn collection…

Autumn Fairy from Lavender&Lark : www.TheMagicOnions.comAutumn Fairy from Lavender&Lark : www.TheMagicOnions.comAutumn Fairy from Lavender&Lark : www.TheMagicOnions.comAutumn Fairy from Lavender&Lark : www.TheMagicOnions.comAutumn Fairy from Lavender&Lark : www.TheMagicOnions.comAutumn Fairy from Lavender&Lark : www.TheMagicOnions.comAutumn Fairy from Lavender&Lark : www.TheMagicOnions.comAutumn Fairy from Lavender&Lark : www.TheMagicOnions.com

This is from the Lavender & Lark About page :

“Tiny beings with gossamer wings, enchanted toadstools and magical creatures make up the whimsical world of Lavender & Lark, inspired by childhood, nature and worlds unseen.

Each doll is hand stitched out of natural fibres. Petticoats of antique linen, lace and silk lend an old world beauty to the more feminine, while others stomp their feet and demand for something more suited to play and mischief. For them, it’s little vests and pants or jumpers of Holland wool felt.

Each doll is unique and has her (or his) own story to tell, you can read them here.

My journey into doll making began six years ago. Inspired by my son and the wonderful worlds of his imagination, I set out to populate them with tiny gnomes, dragons and faerie folk. These became his cherished companions and saw many adventures in those early years.

Although he’s outgrown them now, my love for dollmaking hasn’t stopped, it continues to grow and evolve each year as I populate my own imaginative world with creatures big and small. ”

I’m enchanted and I bet you are too!

And lucky you…  Lavender & Lark has offered this fairy as one of the Fairy Garden Contest prizes … yes, YOU have a chance of winning her! She’s too beautiful for words, isn’t she?

Fairy Prize in the Fairy GArden Contest from Lavender & Lark : www.theMagicOnions.com

Don’t miss out on seeing Lavender & Larks Spring, Summer and Winter Fairies too and the Fairytale characters are simply delightful.

Thank you, Lavender & Lark, for bringing this enchantment into the world.

Blessings and magic,


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