Natural Kids is one of my favorite places to shop for beautiful, natural toys.
I am a member of this special group and I know most of these guys personally… they are moms and dads just like you and me.
I can say without a shadow of doubt that oodles of love and care goes into each treasure they make… they get my seal of approval!
They have a huge selection of Waldorf, Montesori and other gorgeous open-ended play items.
If you haven’t browsed through their gorgeous shops yet, you are in for a treat (and just in time for Christmas too!)
Each shop is listed here : Natural Kids (browse to your heart’s content).

I asked the members to answer some questions for us so that we could get to know them better…
Magic Sponsor Feature
Who are ‘Natural Kids’?
We are a group of artisans from around the world who share a love for handcrafting eco friendly & all-natural toys, clothing, decor and more for kids, and kids at heart.
Their Mission :
We are committed to offering alternatives to mass produced, plastic toys and we share a love for open-ended tools to help kids discover what is new and interesting in the world. We believe that it is best for children’s enviroment and what they wear to be natural and safe.
Their products :
You will find many items that are great for the holidays as well as inspired by the seasons. In our diverse shops of our team members you will find wonderful items for babies and kids of all ages. Many of our sellers pride themsleves on offering open ended items for both boys and girls.
Donni : Why eco-friendly is important?
Kelly (from Mud Hollow):
I believe that searching out eco-friendly goods, especially toys and products for children, is critical if we want to pass on a beautiful planet to future generations. Kids outgrow toys very quickly, leaving piles of plastic behind. When plastic toys break, it can be challenging to fix them, yet the plastic will remain for generations in the the trash heaps. I sincerely believe that toys should be made to withstand play for generations, heirlooms handed down to grandchildren and beyond, reducing the amount of waste generated in today’s world. When they are eventually no longer wanted, toys and products made in an eco-conscious way will return to the earth happily, leaving no trace that they were ever present, and not harming the beautiful world as they decompose. We have already lost too many species to pollution and habitat loss, we must do everything possible to ensure that we do not cause more damage in the buying of, crafting of, and disposal of, our products.

Donni : How did your business start?
Amos (from ApplenAmos)
Back in 2007 our little man Henry was born. With a strong desire to be a stay at home mama, I decided to cash out my 401k and leave my job. We got by for awhile but soon the money was dwindling and I decided to get a job, that’s then the economy tankedand I could not find work.
While I was home, in an effort to save money, I learned to sew, bake, can and make wood toys for Henry.
With a need to create and put food on the table as well as still stay at home to raise my boy- a tiny seed started to take root and Apple n Amos was born. We have never looked back since.
Now fast forward a few years, Henry is now in school and we find ourselves taking care of our newest member, Baby Amelia. It is so much fun creating all new toys for her and then to have them take fruit on our store.
Donni : Why is handmade important to so many moms?
Sara (from Woolies) :
Handmade items are special in so many ways. We have a rather large collection of handmade toys from around the globe – each one, besides being all natural (safe for the earth and kids), has such a wonderful personality and charm. The maker’s mark shines through each one.

Donni : What is your favorite item in your shop right now?
Wendy (BirchLeaf Designs) :
My favorite creations right now are wee Faerie skirts. They are so incredibly beautiful and fun to make! The colors are deep and rich and when I sew these, or prayer flags, I like to envision each color glowing brightly in my body, balancing and cleansing each of my chakras. At the same time, I also send off a little healing prayer and lots of love into each silk as it passes through the sewing machine, so that it may pass onto its new owner.

Donni : Why are you passionate about toys that are made from natural materials?
Becca (from Mama West Wind) :
Simple, beautiful toys that are made from natural materials inspire children to be imaginative. Children are natural storytellers, just listen to any 3 year old spin a tale, it comes so easy to them. I love that my dolls & the toys of my talented teammates help encourage that love of story & creativity.

Thank you Natural Kids, I’m honored to share your work.
Readers, please support these wonderful artisans.
Blessings and magic,
2 Responses
Beautiful post! Thank you Donni!
Such beautiful work, I’m proud to be a member of this team of talented artisans. Thank you for this post!