We had a magical Christmas at the Sunny House with lots of together time, making special family memories.
It’s always a mad rush for me up until a few days before Christmas, getting packages from The Magic Onions Shop into the mail in time for Christmas delivery.
Thank you to everyone who shopped at The Magic Onions Shop this year. I’m truly honored to have made something to go under your tree. You are the best community in all the land and I am truly grateful for your support.
I love the hustle and bustle of the busy shop, the excitement of the avalanche of orders to make and mail out but when the last shipping day passes, I give a sigh of relief and settle into enjoying the season with my family.
We started off our Christmas traditions with the making of the Gingerbread House. Kitty and Teddy created such a pretty cottage, decorated with snowy frosting and colorful jelly beans but, alas, I couldn’t get a photo of how lovely it was as Teddy ate it (or rather, all the frosting) before I had even a chance! Perhaps I should have added a dinosaur like this mom did.
Then, it was time to choose the Christmas Tree. We have a lot we go to every year. We wander up and down the isles, reveling in the wonderful pine tree scent and singing along to the carols that are blaring over the radio system. The coolest thing, according to the kids and apparently the reason why we choose this particular Christmas tree lot, is that they give you FREE candy canes on your way out (if you have a tree in tow, of course).
Decorating the tree is such a fun evening. I have to admit that I was a tree Natzi last year. I only allowed our own handmade ornaments or ornaments from The Magic Onions Shop on last year’s tree (you can see how gorgeous it looked here). But this year, I let the kids put up any ornament they wanted, even those from our vast yard sale collection.
And, would you know, our tree looked just as magical!
On Christmas Eve we celebrated together, just the four of us with roast beef, Yorkshire pudding. apple pie and bubbly grape juice. We toasted to each other and had turns remembering special memories from the passing year.
And, YAY… on Christmas Eve, Santa visited.
He left a huge pillowcase full of special gifts… and big messy, snowy footprints all over the floor. He ate up the apple pie we left out and his reindeer chomped the carrots, leaving bits and pieces of orange all over the front lawn.
We spent Christmas morning playing with our new Christmas Legos, reading our new Christmas books (What the Moon Said for Kitty and The Stumpers for Teddy) and playing our new games. (Bananagrams is becoming a firm favorite).
We made pretty paper birds, admired our wonderful soaps from my new favorite handmade soap shop, Sierra Shadow Soap Co, and excavated dinosaur fossils.
And then it was time to visit our special friends for a very happy Christmas dinner, lots of laughs and dancing well into the chilly night.
Thank you to all our faraway friends and family who called, texted or emailed us to wish us a Happy Christmas. We miss you so much at this time of year but we also love the traditions we have created in our new home. We are happy and full of love and light.
It was a very merry Christmas indeed.
Hope yours was merry too.
Blessings and magic,
9 Responses
Hi Donni,
Have you or your children ever read ‘Stig of the Dump’? We were introduced to it when my Sam was around Teddy’s age. There was a film or programme on telly, but even though it was done when those sort of programmes weren’t so focussed on special effects, reading is best!
Happy New Year!
Sandy in the UK
Hi Sandy,
No, I’ve never heart of ‘Stig of the Dump’! I’ll go search it up now… how exciting!! I know if you and your family loved it, we will too!
Happy New Year to you.
xo Donni
What a magical Christmas! You’ve reminded me of the excitement of Christmas that I felt when I was a little girl. I hope that I can create special memories like these for my own daughter as she grows. Happy new year!
Thank you, Linnea, Happy New Year to you too.
Blessings and magic,
Lovely holidays! Happy New Year!
Such beautiful pictures. Making gingerbread houses is always a tradition at our house too, though I admit either my dear friends makes the house for me (pre decorated) or I buy a gingerbread house to decorate from our local grocer. Maybe next year I will try to make my own…Looking forward to new posts here at the Magic Onions in 2015. Blessing to you and your beautiful family in the new year.
Thanks, Katie… best new year’s wished to you and your gorgeous family too :)
The Gingerbread house is one of my kids favorite Christmas tradition… and eating it too!
Blessings to you,
It all looked so wonderful even down to the books! Banangrams is a bit of a favourite in our house too. All the best for the New Year
Thanks Tanya… Happy New Year to you and your loved ones too :)
Oh my… we are all becoming addicted to Bananagrams!!! The amazing thing is that it’s teaching my 7-year-old to read without him even knowing!!
Blessings to you.