I have always been utterly in love with little clay houses.
They are so tiny and sweet and make me think of fairies and gnomes and magical wishes.
I have collected a couple of sets over the years and display them on windowsills throughout the house. You can see my first set here (warning… you will swoon!)
But, the truth is, you can never really have enough. I think I could become a mini-realestate tycoon and, still, I would want more. In fact, every windowsill needs a mini clay house!
So, Kitty and I thought it would be fun to make some of our own.
Materials we needed :
* sculpey clay (found at your local craft store)
* a butter knife
* kitchen utensils with the right shape for a door and windows (chopsticks worked well for us)
We rolled the clay into a ball.
With the flat end of the butter knife, we carefully shaped our clay into a house shape. Aim for sharp angles.
We used the larger end of the chopsticks to make a door indentation and the smaller end of the chopsticks to make two window indentations.
We also shaped three balls of clay into little pine trees.
Then we baked our clay house and trees in the oven as per the Sculpey instructions (200 degrees F for 10 minutes)
After our house and trees had cooled, we painted them with acrylic paint. A few coats were needed for a wonderfully bright finish.
Just look how sweet!!!!
Of course, now we have to make a village!
Blessings and magic,
8 Responses
I love them (of course). They really look sweet on the windowsill.
Aha… Natalie… you are another mini-realestate tycoon in the making :)
xo Donni
I really love these! I think you should make a whole village on that windowsill!
Oh yes, Laura!!! You know it!!!
We can’t get enough of that clay around here! Great idea, super cute. Thanks for sharing.
Us too, Carlin… we are having a clay phase :)
xo Donni
Now these are so adorable, I can’t get over it Off I go tomorrow to get some Sculpey.
Ha ha… Anya… a girl after my own heart!
Would love to see yours when you are done.
xo Donni