We had a party at the Sunny House (for my birthday) and I took a few photos to share while everything was still shiny and clean.
It’s a little scary having a party on a cold and rainy day, especially when you know that there will be 15 kids running around. But, apparently, the Sunny House is the perfect rainy-day house… and inside hide-and-seek is the perfect rainy-day party-game for 15 kids to play. There are just so many nooks and crannies to hide in, they say.
The adults had a great time too. I was treated to my favorite drink… Champers and raspberry liqueur, which reminded me of my wedding day. Our good friend from New Zealand brought melt-in-the-mouth lamb chops (from New Zealand) and, to top it all off, there was raspberry chocolate tart for treats and other yummy pies and puddings.
And look at the beautiful fingerless gloves my darling Serena made for me!! I am beyond in-love with them.
My memory-of-the-night was when we turned down the lights and started to boogie, all of us… to 90’s music that we all knew the words to. Our children found a torch and an old sequined dress (from the dress-up chest) that sparkled thousands of disco lights around the room… a makeshift disco hall with a whole lot of 40-somethings, dancing and singing while their children squealed in amazed excitement.
And then on Sunday, we packed up all the left overs into little boxes with knives and forks… all the leftover steak and salad and chocolate cake. We took it down to the park where we know the homeless people live. It was raining again as we handed it out to people less fortunate than us.
On our drive home, we were full of the magic you get from giving and loving and sharing this beautiful life with each other.
Blessings and magic,
ps – all the felted goodies you see in the Sunny House can be found in The Magic Onions Shop.
6 Responses
So much lovely- happy birthday!
Thanks Amy :)
xo Donni
What a lovely party!
It all looks heavenly! Happy belated birthday Donni
<3 So much love to you. I miss you!!
I love the hearts and balls on the decorating the mantel of your fireplace – but I cannot figure out how to get my hearts to stay so perfectly neat as your appear to be, rather than spinning around a bit. Would you be willing to share your technique?
Hi Elaine,
I think it’s because they are very tightly felted that they stay in place. I have a garland that has little felted flowers that are more loosely felted and they spin like you describe.
I’d love to see yours :)
xo Donni