Picking beautiful flowers from my garden is one of the things that makes me feel the most awesomely accomplished.
I feel such enormous pride when I can make a vase of my very own flowers for my very own home. My Good Man laughs at me a little… he doesn’t quite get why it makes me feel SO good. But it does. And, my happiness swells each time I catch a glimpse of my beautiful flowers in a vase in The Sunny House.
It’s one of the everyday joys in my life. Fancy that!
Today, not only did I pick my own flowers for my home, I made a pretty vase for them too.
I think they look enormously gorgeous.
My gold vase was pretty easy to make. All I needed was :
* a mason jar
* a lace butterfly sticker
* washi tape (or masking tape)
* gold spray paint
Method :
1. I stuck the lacy butterfly sticker to the inside of the mason jar.
2. I wrapped the washi tape all around the outside of the mason jar.
3. I spray painted the inside of the mason jar with gold spray paint.
The washi tape kept the gold paint neatly inside the jar.
4. I carefully removed the washi and VOILA! My beautiful golden butterfly vase.
Kitty tried to steal my gold mason jar vase to hold her pencils.
But I stole it back for my camellias.
Happy Spring.
Blessings and magic,