Here are the special things in my room.


Photo of a shabby chic coffee mugphoto of a sheepskin throwfelted flowers photobeeswax bowl photomini clay housesminiature clay houses photophoto of my paper-mache deer mountphoto of my shabby chic dresserRustic Chair photo with a knitted blanket
photo of my ceramic cat


My coffee mug. It’s the only one I use. No other will do… it has to be THIS one, always. That’s because it makes the most delicious coffee… the measurements of coffee and sugar using my special spoon are absolutely perfect for the volume of the mug. Call me crazy but I can’t do without this mug… or spoon.

I have my comfy armchair where I often sit and read in the afternoon warmth. It’s a cozy and calming place that gives me a little respite when I need to check out for a moment or two.

On the windowsill, is a photo of my two beautiful children when they were still little. Oh gosh, my heart melts remembering them as they were then. And two little silver trophies from my riding days. Both were won by me and my most delightful pony, Mr Sunrise, when I was a child. They are inscribed with my name and Mr Sunrise, Champion Pony.

The feather butterflies in the felt blooms were the same butterflies I wore in my hair on the day I married My Good Man. I remember that special day whenever I see them. Of course, the memory makes me so happy.

There’s a photo on the windowsill of me and My Good Man when we were younger. We look so sweet and innocent.

Next to this is the beeswax bowl my children and I made many years ago. We made it using two bowls for molds, cling wrap and pressed autumn leaves. When the candle is alight inside it, it sends a golden glow into the room. I love it so so so much.

And, of course, my collection little clay houses. You’ve seen these before but I know you are not sad to see them again. They are quite the most delightful little things, aren’t they?!

I have a white paper mache deer mount on my wall.

I adore my old distressed dresser found at a garage sale. My Good Man constantly asks me to throw it out as it attracts termites (his worst insect in the world) and often has little mounds of termite dust beneath it. I manage to get rid of them for periods of time but they always seem to find their way back. One day it will quite literally collapse to the floor in a heap… but, until then, I’ll continue battling the termites.

I have a little rustic vintage chair in the corner. It has wonderful scratches and scuffs on it that help me imagine the stories it could tell. It’s especially special to me as it is an heirloom passed on to me by my good friend. I love knowing that my family is deeply connected to their family through this little chair.

And then my ceramic cat and My Good Man’s rosary that sit on our bedside table. My cat was a gift from my mom for my 16 birthday. A funny gift for a 16 year old, isn’t it?. And a very funny thing to hold onto for all this time. All the more strange because it has traveled the globe with me, without sustaining not even one single chip or crack. A few years ago, I knocked it off the table and, can you believe, I caught it again before it hit the ground and shattered into a thousand pieces! It reminds me of my beautiful childhood and the love my family envelops me with, each and every day, always and always. And the rosary. It has 59 beautiful gemstone beads.It belongs to My Good Man. Before that, it belonged to his mom and before that, to his grandmother and before that, his great grandmother who was a pioneer in New Zealand. Oh, the prayers it must have heard and the solace it must have given.

Now, excuse me… I’m off to sit in my comfy armchair.

Blessings and magic,


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9 Responses

  1. Such beautiful photos…such a wonderful reminder to look around my own home and savor our simple pleasures that make our living space special.

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