Kitty has big plans for a room re-decoration. She wants to ‘cowboy’ it up… she’s into horses and cowboy boots. What a fun theme for an 11-year old’s room, don’t you think?
So, we are thinking of cool little additions to go with cowboys and horses… and still be girly and fun.
A dream catcher, of course!
We made a gorgeous lacy dream catcher with wooden beads, ribbons and white feathers.
Materials :
a crocheted lace doily (from a craft store)
a wooden embroidery hoop, 12 inches in diameter (from a craft store)
white goose feathers (from a craft store)
wood beads (from a craft store)
ribbon and cotton string (from a craft store)
a hot glue gun
We used our hot glue gun to attach the lace doily to the embroidery hoop, sticking the fabric all around the inside of the hoop.
We tied long strands of ribbon and cotton string to the bottom third of the hoop.
We used our hot glue gun to stick the quill of the feathers to the cotton string strands.
We threaded the wooden beads onto the remaining ribbons and cotton strands, letting them hang at varying, random lengths.
Voila… didn’t we make a wonderfully magical dream catcher?
And then we looked up the significance of dream catchers. They are a lovely tradition from Native American dream lore. They are intended to protect a sleeping person from negative dreams, while letting positive dreams slip through the holes of the dream catcher and glide down the feathers to the sleeping person below. The negative dreams get caught up in the web and expire when the first rays of the sun strike them. Isn’t that lovely!
We also made a colorful rainbow dream catcher for Teddy’s room a few years ago. You can follow our DIY tutorial here. It is a little different.
Sleep well, beautiful dreamers.
Blessings and magic,
4 Responses
What a lovely dream catcher…I love the simplicity of this one. I’ve had one on my to-do list for a while, using one of my grandmother’s doilies but it seems to keep falling down the list somehow. This is great inspiration to finally get at it. Thanks for sharing.
What a lovely dreamcatcher! Only wonderful dreams will come down from that :)
This is pretty awesome! I love dream catchers!
Thanks Alina :)
xo Donni