Mother Autumn gives us so many gifts to craft with in the Fall. Colorful leaves, acorns, pine cones… her generosity is boundless.

Here are some of our favorite nature-inspired Fall crafts.




Fall Crafting with Kids on The Magic Onions :


1. Indian Corn Necklace

2. Leaf and beeswax Suncatcher

3. Watercolor Leaf Rubbing

4. Autumn Gnomes

5. Beeswax and Leaf Bowl

6. Fall Wreath


Leaf Crafts :


1. Autumn Fairy

2. Leaf Mobile

3. Autumn Leaf Bowl

4. Leaf Drawings

5. Beeswax Leaf Luminary

6. Leaf Fairy

7. Preserved Leaves

8. Leaf Mandala

9. Leaf Rainbow


Thank you for your gifts, Mother Autumn.

Blessings and magic,


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