The Enchanting Fairy Houses of Mackworth Island, Maine.

One of our favorite places in all of Maine was a place called Mackworth Island. It is a little island off the coast of Maine, connected to the mainland by a small bridge… if you didn’t know it was there, you’d quite miss it.

The island is covered in thousands of the most majestic trees AND, can you believe it, fairy houses! It’s utterly enchanting. Everyone who visits the island, collects nature goodies on their walk to make the fairies a house and the result is an island packed with the most delightful little scenes.

Of course we made a house too… or rather, Teddy did. He was quite enthralled to the extreme and wanted to build the fairies the best house in all the land. We think he succeeded. Don’t you?


Making a Fairy House in the Woods :

Making a Fairy House in the Woods :

So, if you are in the Falmouth area, be sure to take some time to visit this magical island.


Mackworth Island, Maine, Fairy Houses -


Here are some more photos of Teddy building his fairy house…


  Making a Fairy House in the Woods : Making a Fairy House in the Woods : www.theMagicOnions.comMaking a Fairy House in the Woods : www.theMagicOnions.comMaking a Fairy House in the Woods : Making a Fairy House in the Woods : Making a Fairy House in the Woods : www.theMagicOnions.comMaking a Fairy House in the Woods : Making a Fairy House in the Woods : Making a Fairy House in the Woods : www.theMagicOnions.comMaking a Fairy House in the Woods : www.theMagicOnions.comMaking a Fairy House in the Woods :


And here are some other enchanting fairy houses we found along the way…


Making a Fairy House in the Woods : www.theMagicOnions.comMaking a Fairy House in the Woods : www.theMagicOnions.comMaking a Fairy House in the Woods : www.theMagicOnions.comMaking a Fairy House in the Woods : www.theMagicOnions.comMaking a Fairy House in the Woods : Making a Fairy House in the Woods : www.theMagicOnions.comMaking a Fairy House in the Woods : www.theMagicOnions.comMaking a Fairy House in the Woods :


Kitty didn’t make a fairy house :: she drew a fairy house instead…


Making a Fairy House in the Woods :


But Dad couldn’t resist making a house of his own…


Making a Fairy House in the Woods :


What magical places one can find!

Blessings and magic,


Don’t miss out on any Magic Onions fun… sign up for my FREE newsletter today!


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