Are you getting ready for Halloween?
At the Sunny House, our rose bushes are draped in spider web, there is a carved pumpkin on the front steps and few mini-skeletons hanging from the mailbox (Teddy is our Halloween decorator!)
And, of course, we dug out our Pine Cone Spider and our Pine Cone Fairy to hang in the tree.
You’d think we are ready for the big night but no, neither children have decided what they’ll be yet. It is our tradition to play Halloween like this… we change our minds a million times and it’s always a mad rush on-the-day to find appropriate things to wear for our only-just-decided-upon costumes. That’s how we roll!
Here are our tutorials on how to make these fun Halloween decorations :
Eeeek… pine cone spider.
Make a pine cone fairy from Autumn leaves.
Happy almost-Halloween.
Blessings and magic,