Lessons from Nature : www.theMagicOnions.com


I am appreciating this quote from Bernie Siegel about the lessons we can learn from nature.

I am contemplating change and how one can move towards change without letting the apprehension and anxiety of the unknown take away from the joy and excitement of a long anticipated change.

And then this quote speaks to me, so gently and calmly. It says… just. let. change. happen.

Be brave. Trust. Work hard. Try hard. Be gracious. Be strong. Go forward. And, again, be brave.

To survive, we must change. It’s no big deal. We must all do it. And we have all survived it. And rejoiced in it.

Our bodies know this.


Lessons from Nature : www.theMagicOnions.com


Beautiful, isn’t it?

Blessings and magic,



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