Hello Novemember : www.theMagicOnions.com


Welcome to a new month. November! A month of autumn and changes and the calm before the storm.

I’m manifesting the Spiral this month.


The spiritual meaning of the Spiral : www.theMagicOnions.com


I’m working on accepting the turnings and changes of life as it evolves.

I won’t fight it. I will breath it in.

I won’t grieve over another year ending. I will breath it out.

I will let my soul feel the never ending spiral of hours and days and years as they contract inward in a spiral to my heart and expand outward in a spiral to the universe.

It is the way things are. It is the way things are meant to be.

I welcome your consciousness into my spirit, Spiral, knowing that you will lead me to where I am meant to go. And lead what is meant for me, into my heart.


Blessings and magic,



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