Felt Gumdrop Christmas Ornaments :: DIY Tutorials :: www.theMagicOnions.com

Felt Gumdrop Christmas Ornaments :: DIY Tutorials :: www.theMagicOnions.com


We are having so much fun in The Sunny House with our Christmas crafting. Each day, when the kids come home from school, we set about making new ornaments for our Christmas tree. We choose fun and easy projects that aren’t too involved and Kitty and Teddy are loving this new tradition we’ve started. Today, we made felt gumdrop ornaments for our handmade Christmas tree.

Don’t you just LOVE felt balls? There are sooooooo many fun things you can do with them. Felt balls and glue will turn just about anything into an awesome ornament!


Felt Gumdrop Christmas Ornaments :: DIY Tutorials :: www.theMagicOnions.com


Materials ::

  • felt wool gumdrops (you can find them here)
  • vine balls (you can find them at your local craft store)
  • glue (hot glue works best)
  • hemp string (you can find it at your local craft store)


Felt Gumdrop Christmas Ornaments :: DIY Tutorials :: www.theMagicOnions.com


All you do to make these wonderfully colorful Christmas ornaments is put a little glue onto each gumdrop and stick them onto the vine ball.

Of course, you can color-coorodinate, using your favorite colors to match your Christmas tree if you have a color theme going on… or you can just add a variety of bright colors for a fun rainbow look, like we did.


Felt Gumdrop Christmas Ornaments :: DIY Tutorials :: www.theMagicOnions.com Felt Gumdrop Christmas Ornaments :: DIY Tutorials :: www.theMagicOnions.com Felt Gumdrop Christmas Ornaments :: DIY Tutorials :: www.theMagicOnions.com Felt Gumdrop Christmas Ornaments :: DIY Tutorials :: www.theMagicOnions.com


Tie a hemp hanging loop onto each ornament and hang them on your tree.

They look so wonderfully fun and festive, don’t they?!


Felt Gumdrop Christmas Ornaments :: DIY Tutorials :: www.theMagicOnions.com


Love these fun and easy handmade Christmas ornaments? Here are other DIY Christmas ornament tutorials I know you’ll enjoy.

If you LOVE these ornaments but are not the crafting type, you can purchase similar ornaments in The Magic Onions Shop… in the Christmas Ornament section.

Looking for more crafting ideas? Here are some of my other fall and Christmas crafts.

And here are all of my crafting tutorials.

Happy crafting,

Blessings and magic,



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