The crazy holiday season has begun in earnest and life at The Sunny House is hectic as we try to juggle work and kids and family affairs.

It’s a fun time of year with parties and celebrations… but it can be stressful too as rhythms change and out-of-the-ordinary events occur much more often than usual. As the week progresses, I feel us all winding up like taught springs until, by Friday, we are ready to pop off at the slightest provocation.

I’ve learned over the years that there is an antidote to this inevitable stress… it’s NATURE. We need a good few hours in nature every few days in order to recharge our souls and bring us back into harmony.

So, in December, we make a commitment to go for a wonderful nature walk each and every Sunday morning. We set off into the wild places, let Moose run free and the children too.

I haven’t quite decided if this Sunday release ends our week or starts it… in fact, I think it does both.

Here are some photos from Sunday… We had fun taking our Christmas photo with the self-timer on my camera. Do you like my new pixie hat? Kitty found it for me at a craft fair recently. I love it because it has the best shape for me… it’s open at the back and doesn’t restrict my head at all (I’m prone to headaches if anything feels tight on my head.) And it covers my ears (I’m also prone to earache if it’s windy and my ears are uncovered). We all have our quirks, don’t we!

Southern California is incredibly dry at the moment. We’ve had no rain. The experts keep warning us that El Nino is on her way to flood us but we can hardly believe that there will be any rain at all.

We wanted Kitty to take a nice photo of Matt and me. She got a great one… but there were lots of outtakes which are quite funny as there was a monkey on Matt’s head!

We discovered our old beehive and watched the bees working diligently. We found lots of gorgeous acorns too. And so many beautifully colored leaves.


Nature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: Nature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk :: www.theMagicOnions.comNature Walk ::


I love this one. It’s my favorite because of his laugh-lines. We are blessed.


Nature Walk ::

I hope y’all have a fun way for your family to de-stress over the holidays. If you start feeling the tensions in your homes rising to uncomfortable levels, try taking your family out on a nature walk. Even if there is snow, I’m sure that just being out in the fresh air will do the trick.

Blessings and magic,


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