I’m so excited to share our Christmas tree with you this year.

We’ve decorated it COMPLETELY with 100% Magic Onions felted ornaments! EVERY SINGLE ONE!!! Made by me.

Needle felted owls and birds, needle felted toadstools and pine cones, needle felted flowers, needle felted garlands, needle felted acorns, needle felted peas, needle felted fairies.

Yes, it took a LONG time to make all of these beauties but don’t they look wonderful?!! So soft and gentle and full of love…

Shop for Needle Felted Christmas Ornaments at The Magic Onions Shop :: www.theMagicOnions.com/shopNeedle Felted Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.com


Here’s my tree decorator.


Needle Felted Christmas Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Christmas Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Christmas Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Christmas Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.com


So, as you browse through these photos, remember that EVERY SINGLE ORNAMENT is available in The Magic Onions Shop… in the Felted Christmas Ornaments section.

There is something on this tree that I made especially for YOU. You’ll know what it is when you see it. I know what it is already but I want you to find it for yourself. When you find it,go o,  get it for yourself… YOU deserve it for being a such beautiful person and bringing your unique magic to the world.

Know that it comes to you with a piece of my heart, my family and my soul. I infused it with special Magic Onions love as I made it and gave it an extra burst of magic, just for you.

If you can’t find your special ornament in The Magic Onions Shop, send me an email and I’ll make it just for YOU… in time for Christmas.


Needle Felted Christmas Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Christmas Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comBeautiful Needle Felted Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Christmas Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Owl Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Fairy Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Flower Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Acorn Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Bird Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Gnome Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comCute Needle Felted Bird Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Heart Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Fairy Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Canary Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Pine Cone Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comPC030784Needle Felted Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comPC030785Needle Felted Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Christmas Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comBeautiful Needle Felted Fairy Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Heart Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comGrey Needle Felted Owl Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comColorful Felted Acorn Garland for the Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.comNeedle Felted Peace Dove Bird Christmas Tree Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.com

Shop for Needle Felted Christmas Ornaments at The Magic Onions Shop :: www.theMagicOnions.com/shop

Of course, Teddy and Kitty are waiting for it to our tree to fill up with presents. There’s only one now… I wonder if they’ve been naughty or nice?


Needle Felted Christmas Ornaments : www.theMagicOnions.com

Thank you for sharing in our happy Christmas tree.

Our tree is taking part in the White Tree Mystery @ Treetopia. Pop on over there to see the other trees in the interactive campaign.

Blessings and magic,



Don’t miss out on ANY new Magic Onion’s crafting fun… sign up for my FREE newsletter today —-> did you know that a lucky newsletter subscriber is chosen each month to receive a magical gift from me? Sign up now and this lucky subscriber could be YOU!

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4 Responses

  1. Happy Holidays Donni!
    Your tree and ornaments are absolutely beautiful! I especially love the last photo with the kids in front of the tree, gosh they are getting big!
    I wanted to wish you all a very happy holiday and let you know how much I enjoy reading your newsletter and posts.
    Thanks for all you do,
    ~ joey ~

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