Timone, the Baby Squirrel, and Spring Days

Here are some photos of our lovely spring days.

You’ll see Timone, our squirrel, who comes to collect the nuts we leave for him on his chair in the tree. He is just the sweetest and we love him so. Do you remember that we raised him from a baby squirrel (his mom was killed by a friends cat)? We fed him on avocado and taught him how to climb. Watching him grow into a happy and free squirrel is one of the most precious gifts we’ve ever had.

You’ll see the beautiful fig tree with magnificent roots that we go to pay homage to every so often. She is a goddess.

We have been enjoying our very own lagoon, only 2 minutes walk from the Sunny House, which is full with moon jellies at this time of year. Swimming with them is such a thrill (they don’t sting). I’m trying to pluck up the courage to swim with them in the moonlight (irrational fear of jaws swimming at night is holding me back).

You’ll see Kitty’s newest artwork, Simonetta. It’s amazing, she’s amazing. Watching her talent unfurl is another precious gift I am cherishing.

We’ve been enjoying picking flowers from the garden, kitty cuddles and eating strawberries and tangelos from the farmers market.

Life’s good.


Beautiful squirrel photo on The Magic Onions Waldorf inspired blogBeautiful squirrel photo on The Magic Onions Waldorf inspired blogBeautiful squirrel photo on The Magic Onions Waldorf inspired blog Beautiful squirrel photo on The Magic Onions Waldorf inspired blogBeautiful squirrel photo on The Magic Onions Waldorf inspired blogBeautiful tree on The Magic Onions Waldorf inspired blog Beautiful photo on The Magic Onions Waldorf inspired blogBeautiful Still Life Painting by 11 year old child on The Magic Onions Waldorf inspired blogBeautiful spring flowers on The Magic Onions Waldorf inspired blog Beautiful loosBeautiful strawberry photo on The Magic Onions Waldorf inspired blogBeautiful cat photo on The Magic Onions Waldorf inspired blog Beautiful spring flowers on The Magic Onions Waldorf inspired blogBeautiful loose bits from Nature photo on The Magic Onions Waldorf inspired blog  Beautiful tangelos on The Magic Onions Waldorf inspired blog


Thank you for being here and sharing in this magical journey with us.

I hope your spring (or Autumn) days are just as wonderful.

Blessings and magic,


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