Happy New Year from Snowy New Hampshire !

Snow Play in Keene New Hapmshire - www.theMagicOnions.comSnow and sunshine in Keene New Hapmshire - www.theMagicOnions.comSnow and sunshine in Keene New Hapmshire - www.theMagicOnions.comSnow and sunshine in Keene New Hapmshire - www.theMagicOnions.comSnow in Keene New Hapmshire - www.theMagicOnions.comSnow in Keene New Hapmshire - www.theMagicOnions.com Snow in Keene New Hapmshire - www.theMagicOnions.comSnow in Keene New Hapmshire - www.theMagicOnions.com Snow and sunshine in Keene New Hapmshire - www.theMagicOnions.com Snowboarding in Keene New Hapmshire - www.theMagicOnions.com Sledding in Keene New Hapmshire - www.theMagicOnions.comSnow Man in Keene New Hapmshire - www.theMagicOnions.comKitty photo - www.theMagicOnions.comSnow Play in Keene New Hapmshire - www.theMagicOnions.com Snow Play in Keene New Hapmshire - www.theMagicOnions.comSnow and sunshine in Keene New Hapmshire - www.theMagicOnions.com


Happy 2017!  May you have a wonderful year ahead, filled with love and laughter and lots of meaningful memories. May you find your happy place, may you be courageous in the choices you make and may you encourage your own personal growth so that you can leave 2017 a better, kinder and braver being than when you entered it. May this be a year where dreams come true and miracles happen.

Like so many of you, I’m happy to see the end of 2016. It turned out to be a rough year for me and I’m grateful that I can turn the page of the calendar and have a fresh new start… a blank slate of a year to fill with happiness and special times.

Some sad things happened to me in 2016 that rocked my world and took me to the very core of sadness. First my younger brother and then my mom were diagnosed with cancer. Him with colon cancer and her with ovarian cancer. If I were talking to you now instead of writing, I’d need to pause here for a while… and struggle to fight back tears… fight to regain my composure. The hurt is still so raw. Facing the mortality of those I love so deeply was (and still is) a terrible shock. I know I don’t have a monopoly on this kind of pain, but at the time, it surely felt like it. It tore me open, leaving me exposed to a relentless barrage of inconsolable heartache. Being thousands of miles away from them was dreadful, I could not even hold their hand or make them a cup of tea.

My brothers cancer was found early. He was operated on and the cancer was removed. He has been given a clean bill of health. He is a survivor. I’m so proud of him… his strength, his love for is young family and his unwavering courage. Well done, Al… you are an inspiration to me.

I traveled to Cape Town for November to be with my mom and dad and help them through the treatment decisions that were so scary to make. We were joined by both of my brothers and our family was together again for the first time in 6 years. So silly that it took tragedy to get us together. We won’t make that mistake again, will we boys! Being with them all was like a balm for our broken spirits. Love can heal.

I will talk more about my moms cancer treatment soon as there is so much to share. She has done remarkably well and we are optimistic that she is over the worst. She chose a carefully orchestrated program of alternative cancer therapies plus a mild form of chemo. Together, these therapies seem to have kicked her cancer to the curb. I am so proud of her and my dad for working diligently to build up her immune system and get her body healthy enough to fight this horrid disease. It is fighting and it is winning. We have learned so much about healthy living and have made many valuable changes to our lifestyles. We will no longer sit back and think that we are powerless in our own health. We have the capacity to say NO to the bad things and YES to the good things. All it takes is willpower and the dedication to seek out the truth.

On a happier note, we are in love with our new home state. New Hampshire is spectacularly picturesque and we are in constant awe of the sheer beauty that surrounds us, daily. Snow is now our favorite thing… it brings peace and calm to everything. And then, fun and excitement as we play in it. We love winter more than even fall and eagerly search the weather app for the possibility of snow ahead.

We live in a winter wonderland.

Blessings and magic,







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2 Responses

  1. Thanks for sharing this post. First of all I would like to say that you are a brave and loving person. There is so much courage within you, within your mom and also within your brother. I love how you think positively despite of the struggles that you’re experiencing right now. More power to you and for your family.

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