Waiting For Something Increases It’s Value

It snowed yesterday and everything is once again covered in a blanket of powder-white snow. It’s magnificent. I seriously can’t get over how beautiful it is. I walk out over the squeaking snow and smile with joy, thinking to myself how lucky I am to be here in this very spot at this very time.

In fact, I’ve been complaining lately that it hasn’t snowed enough! Can you believe that? My Good Man and I have a joke that we should have moved to Alaska. To think that we were apprehensive of living in the snow and cold weather… it almost put us off moving to this beautiful part of the world. Now, it’s our favorite FAVORITE thing. We can’t imagine loving another season as much as we love the winter in New Hampshire.

I remembered something important yesterday, while waiting for the snow… that waiting for something makes it even more wonderful when it comes. You see, I’ve been LONGING for fresh snow, for days and days, wishing so hard for it to fall and, when it finally did, with huge snowflakes floating slowly onto the ground, it literally made me feel jittery with joy! Exuberant and exhilarated with the wonder of nature and the magic of life! I felt like a child on Christmas morning… literally… I had a distinct memory of what it feels like to have truly waited for something magical and have it actually arrive. Pure, happy, giddy joy!

I rediscovered that when we are made to wait for something, it’s value to us increases. I’ve been pondering on this today and reminding myself that herein lies an important aspect of parenting that I need to reclaim.

I want my children to feel excited with life. I want them to experience real joy with what they have. I want them to know how lucky they are. I want them to feel the magic and wonder of getting something they have really waited for or worked hard to get. Yet I seem to have fallen into our modern paradigm of giving them so much, too much… they want/we give. We rarely let them experience the challenges and then magic of waiting. They want lego, they get lego. They want chips, they get chips. They want new paints, they get new paints. When they get the lego, chips or paints so readily, we see that they don’t feel the gratitude we expect them to feel? In turn, we feel disappointed in their lack of thankfulness. We might even get angry with them. ‘Do you know how lucky you are to have so much?’ we might ask. They shrug in confusion.

What yesterday reminded me, was that we are largely to blame for their apathy. We don’t allow them to long for much. We don’t let them experience the challenges of working really hard for what they think they need. We don’t even think they truly know what they want as they get so much.

So, kids, I’m sorry-not-sorry, but things are going to change a little here. We are not going to mindlessly get or give anymore… we are going to wait and work for the things we want. It’s a good thing, I promise… we will all feel so much more joy and gratitude for what we have.


Snow in Wilton, New Hampshire -- www.theMagicOnions.comSnow in Wilton, New Hampshire -- www.theMagicOnions.com Snow in Wilton, New Hampshire -- www.theMagicOnions.comSnow in Wilton, New Hampshire -- www.theMagicOnions.com Snow in Wilton, New Hampshire -- www.theMagicOnions.com Snow in Wilton, New Hampshire -- www.theMagicOnions.com Snow in Wilton, New Hampshire -- www.theMagicOnions.com Snow in Wilton, New Hampshire -- www.theMagicOnions.com Snow in Wilton, New Hampshire -- www.theMagicOnions.com Snow in Wilton, New Hampshire -- www.theMagicOnions.com Snow in Wilton, New Hampshire -- www.theMagicOnions.com Snow in Wilton, New Hampshire -- www.theMagicOnions.com Snow in Wilton, New Hampshire -- www.theMagicOnions.comSnow in Wilton, New Hampshire -- www.theMagicOnions.com


Blessings and magic,



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2 Responses

  1. Oh I am longing for snow! I grew up in the Appalachians where we had glorious snows every winter. Now I live in the upper south where we get good snows every few years. It’s been a few years & I am so longing to be snowed in. It’s happened here before & when it comes again I know it will be truly magical.

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